Eat before you go in (or take food in with you) as it's hideously expensive and not always all that! Check the programme as soon as you arrive and plan your shopping around a performance you don't mind missing as it's usually very busy in the interval and you can't get round the stands. I'm sure...
my IDxTB mare has the most sensitive mouth of any horse I've ever owned. Had issues with wolf teeth as a youngster. One came out no prob and one broke up leaving a gum lump. She hates jointed bits and drops behind the contact or head tosses in canter. I've found a straight-bar hanging cheek...
I'm guessing it's because of all the damp, mild weather condition but the flies, especially midges,
seem to have gone off the scale at my yard this summer.
My grey 12yr old mare has a hyper-sensitivity and has been known to have violent reactions to accumulations of fly bites (& wasp...
Hi, my 12 yr old homebred mare has developed issues with travelling over the past few years. It started when her old sharer took her out a few times in a friend's trailer but I never really got to the bottom of whether anything happened. (Some people not forthcoming with this kind of info!)...
Sorry to say I was disappointed. Didn't live up to expectations (even of it's own trailer) for me. Characters too shallow and not fully explored & the loss of the first person narrative made it hard to empathise.
Much of what Morpurgo wrote about Joeys connections with others was lost...
Hi, Am after some advice / viewpoints really. I'm a bit of a 'has-been' in that approx 20yrs ago I used to event at novice level but since then I mainly ride at local level as work and family demands have taken centre stage. I have 2 allrounders ridden by myself & 2 sharers - reasonably...
Hi, Haven't read rest of post so sorry if repeating - my mechanic hubby tells me they're made of 'unobtanium' and you cannot get parts any longer so not to touch them with a bargepole! Sorry if this upsets a few peeps - hope you know different if you know what I mean...
Get what help exactly? - the point I'm trying to make is that there was an article not long ago in H&H about farmers in the UK who've found stray horses just dumped in their fields. It also commented that this kind of practice is not unusual in Ireland. Sorry if you guys missed this but it does...
horsemart every time - we're about to advertise our Transit/Ifor on there. Love the way the online service provides countrywide coverage & you can add more than 1 photo. Good luck.
Sorry to be an utter doom and gloom merchant & don't (at all) mean to sound unsympathetic but there's probably more to come.... I agree it's really sad but many people are at their wits end they're struggling so badly in the current climate with job losses & rising costs of living coupled with...
I agree with some of the earlier posts - try not to worry too much. You get all sorts of odd enquiries and sometimes the odd weirdo too when you advertise something & make your tel no public.
We built and sold 3.5t horseboxes for a couple of years (up until the market ran out of steam &...