Dear God when will this stop


Well-Known Member
24 June 2008
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Please when will this stop - 3 cases - that are the ones reported - of cruelty in last 24 hrs . Pure and utter cruelty. At least this time the mare and her poor wee little boy are now safe but how many are suffering. The courts have got to get tougher when the bas**ards are caught. I just cried reading this - just tears of hopeless sadness

Moggy in Manolos

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8 March 2006
South Glos
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Poor mare a foal, and only 2months old at this time of year, what is wrong with people, why and how the hell could they just dump a poor defenseless animal like that, lets hope they penalise the idiot


Well-Known Member
30 May 2008
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Sorry to be an utter doom and gloom merchant & don't (at all) mean to sound unsympathetic but there's probably more to come.... I agree it's really sad but many people are at their wits end they're struggling so badly in the current climate with job losses & rising costs of living coupled with one of the worst winters & hay crisis in recent times etc. All the charity & rescue centres are full to bursting and are simply unable to accept any more horses.

Am racking my brains for ways I can contribute - I already give quite a lot to charity on a monthly basis (although non-equine) and know that my horse + my 2 kids' ponies have me at full stretch financially at the moment so I couldn't offer a foster home without (probably) going under myself.

Any ideas anyone???


Well-Known Member
31 March 2009
Land of the Iceni
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No sorry, this isn't down to the recession, people going through a hard time or being unable to cope financially, this is straight, wanton cruelty by someone or some people who have no respect or thought for any living thing apart from themselves. I'm sure I'm not alone in who I suspect are responsible and until we can all stop being so PC, atrocities like this will continue.


Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
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No sorry, this isn't down to the recession, people going through a hard time or being unable to cope financially, this is straight, wanton cruelty by someone or some people who have no respect or thought for any living thing apart from themselves. I'm sure I'm not alone in who I suspect are responsible and until we can all stop being so PC, atrocities like this will continue.

I agree with this, I do think that the recession plays a part as well though, as animals are suddenly worth less and cost more to keep, so there is even less value attached to a life monetary wise which is all that matters to some which sadly makes them even more vulnerable to cruelty by certain types. :(


Well-Known Member
17 July 2009
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Sorry to be an utter doom and gloom merchant & don't (at all) mean to sound unsympathetic but there's probably more to come.... I agree it's really sad but many people are at their wits end they're struggling so badly in the current climate with job losses & rising costs of living coupled with one of the worst winters & hay crisis in recent times etc. All the charity & rescue centres are full to bursting and are simply unable to accept any more horses.

Am racking my brains for ways I can contribute - I already give quite a lot to charity on a monthly basis (although non-equine) and know that my horse + my 2 kids' ponies have me at full stretch financially at the moment so I couldn't offer a foster home without (probably) going under myself.

Any ideas anyone???

IMO, there is no excuse for cruelty like this regardless of money issues, recession etc. Get help or do something but don't just dump them to die. Talking generally here, but many of these cases seem to be mares with foals at foot. If these people are so short of money why was the mare put in foal in the first place?


Well-Known Member
30 May 2008
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IMO, there is no excuse for cruelty like this regardless of money issues, recession etc. Get help or do something but don't just dump them to die. Talking generally here, but many of these cases seem to be mares with foals at foot. If these people are so short of money why was the mare put in foal in the first place?

Get what help exactly? - the point I'm trying to make is that there was an article not long ago in H&H about farmers in the UK who've found stray horses just dumped in their fields. It also commented that this kind of practice is not unusual in Ireland. Sorry if you guys missed this but it does suggest that the over-supply of horses and consequent demands on charities has been overwhelming of late. Indescriminate breeding in the UK being an issue for a long, long time.

I do agree that there's no excuse for wanton cruelty though. We can all presume we know who may be responsibe but we also know those people are untouchable by the law so what do you suggest (anyone?)


Well-Known Member
31 March 2009
Land of the Iceni
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Draconian enforcement of the passport law? Spot checks on horses in fields, laybys, verges - horses seized if no passport can be produced. No breeding except under licence? All totally unworkable of course! (Personally I'd be quite happy with capital punisment for the sort of cruelty highlighted recently in H&H).