Recent content by zsuzsanna04

  1. zsuzsanna04

    At what age does 'bone' mature?

    Rollin - in South Africa our THB foaling season starts from August and runs through to the end of the year (obviously early foals are more desirable). The first few days they are stabled and then let out in a small paddock with mum, after which they will go out in groups with similarly aged...
  2. zsuzsanna04

    Haemo-concentrating - any boffins ?

    Hi all, Thanks so much for the help. I understand the link now. One test may not be conclusive evidence that he suffers from the condition, but I need to give the op some consideration regardless. My lad is not a stud prospect and entires (even ones as nice as he is) pose all sorts of...
  3. zsuzsanna04

    At what age does 'bone' mature?

    Different bits of the skeleton mature at different rates. As a (rough) rule of thumb, horses mature from the ground up. It is also important to remember that bone is also living, changing tissue. It grows, shrinks & adapts to changes in its environment and bone density will change constantly...
  4. zsuzsanna04

    Haemo-concentrating - any boffins ?

    Thanks Alsiola, I'm told 'normal' is somewhere between 30-40. My boy was measured at 49 a day or so after his run. Trainer tells me the vet says that means his count on race day could have been as high as 55. The research I've conducted just not support trstosterone having an influence on...
  5. zsuzsanna04

    Haemo-concentrating - any boffins ?

    Thanks P - nope, the lad isn't exhibiting any of the normal thickening or cresting one might not want, and he's not anaemic, so none of the normal reasons apply. Our racehorses usually get fed at around 7 or 8 am and then they race in the afternoon (anywhere between about 12 o'clock and...
  6. zsuzsanna04

    At what age does 'bone' mature?

    I quite like Dr Deb Bennett's paper 'The Ranger Piece' A lot of other veterinary literature concurs with her schedule of skeletal maturation. There is a useful table in Adams' Lameness if you have a copy (alternatively have a look for it on Google Books). Hope that helps :)
  7. zsuzsanna04

    Haemo-concentrating - any boffins ?

    Hi all, I have a couple of 4 YO colts in racing. I've bred and raised them myself. They are impeccably behaved - they are not coltish, aggressive or badly behaved in any way. Easy to work with, take out with mares, etc. No problem. However, one of the boys put in a disappointing run...
  8. zsuzsanna04

    Burghley fallers

    KatPT - God bless you and all the other officials for taking care of Paul and Harry with such kindness and sensitivity.