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  • Hi,
    I was told about a tack cleaning recipe you have. I was wondering if I could get a copy please?
    Hello, I will send it to you when I'm on my laptop next, tomorrow I expect
    Hi Oz, I was wondering if I could get a copy of you wonderful tack cleaner recipe ? Having trouble with mould and all such.
    Much appreciated,
    Hi Oz

    Was reading a tack cleaning thread and it became clear your recipe is the best there is. If there is any chance at all I could get the recipe would be massively appreciated

    All the best
    Hi Oz, you posted today about PM'ing someone re a saddle fitting article and was wondering if you would kindly also send it to me?

    Thanks, Ben
    Hi Oz I posted a thread on saddlers in the south east a week ago. Just wondered if you could pm me? My inbox is empty (new to all of this and didn't realise that there was a size restriction). Thanks
    Hello BelleCharisma, the headpieces I have designed were never put in to production, I just ran out of time, money and horses with problems to try them out on!
    What are you using at the moment, what have you tried and what exactly is the problem with your horse?
    Hi, I read in the thread named "Special headcollar needed. Any ideas?" that you have designed a special headpiece looking a bit like the Dyon the difference bridle, and I was wondering if it would be possible to order this headpiece?
    Could you please tell me what saddles you don't recommend?
    I use a Barefoot Cheyenne treeless...don't know if you know about them?
    Thank you :)
    Hi. I'd love to read your saddle fitting guide if you'd be kind enough to send it me. Thanks.
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