
  1. F


    Hi, Finally able to buy my first horse. Was wondering what are some of the products you can't live without? Or wish you had bought sooner! Thank you! ✨
  2. L

    Moustache Trimming Rules?

    The FEI rules that ban removing "Sensory Hairs" go into effect July 2021 and I'm assuming it's likely the British competition orgs will eventually follow suit. The FEI rules define Sensory Hairs as "Hard hairs located on the Horse's muzzle and around the eyes, also known as 'whiskers' that are...
  3. S

    Tough poo stains on white horse

    My lovely white horse has terrible poo stains on his thighs the rest of his body is lovely and white but I cannot for the life of me get rid of these he wears stable rug and all that jazz I’ve tried fairy washing up liquid a hand full of purple and blue shampoos stain removers the whole lot I’m...
  4. A

    Make up to cover bald patches and scabs

    I have a very fair Haflinger mare who looks practically palomino. She's suffered from a severe allergic reaction to fly bites. I've got a show booked in a few weeks which I can't cancel. By that stage of the bites healing she'll still have bald spots and a few scabs. Has anyone had any luck...