
  1. T

    Shetland lead rein turnout

    Hello , hope someone much more knowledgeable can help . We have a beautiful little Shetland pony who we have had for a year . Typical Shetland personality and very pretty and correct . We are hoping to go to our first show in a few months but can anyone advise on leaders turnout . We have...
  2. R

    Can I get the yard owner to pay for vet bills for her mistake?

    Hello all, looking for some help and advice. And legal information would be great. So, I’ve had my miniature Shetland at my yard for 3 years. He is on DIY and I also looked after one of the yard owners shetlands and took on a full livery at the yard. On 4th July I was injured while bringing in...
  3. A


    I need to pick all of your lead rein expert brains please! So the lead rein world is a new one for me - we have found two gorgeous little shetlands for full loan one is 13 and experienced off the lead rein and the other is 3 but used to be handled by children. They are gorgeous and they are...