15 year old trying to sell a horse..


Well-Known Member
4 May 2010
Yorkshire :)
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Basically,like many people in the country, we are desperately short of money..

We have a horse which is brilliant and everything.. evented up to PN and is a fab hunter that we need to sell..

However.. my mum does not have the time to worry about selling him or anything involved so has put me incharge..

He is a 12yr 16.1 very smart who is truly lovely, but as i am only 15 i have no idea where to start or advertise etc..

What i would love to know is how people go about selling Hunters/Eventers and how much they would be.

I know that horses arent really selling at the moment, but i would really like to know how to make as much money as i can because i get the profit to go towards a horse for me!

Thankyou so much!


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3 December 2010
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Try horsemart.com or preloved.com and post an advert, its a good place to start. Although i don't think its a smart idea to buy another horse if you're desparately short of money....
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Well-Known Member
30 June 2010
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if hes so fab, why do you have to sell? or is it just so you can buy pretty new one? and its nice to see that your only bothered about profit for yourself


Well-Known Member
30 November 2007
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Why don't you keep him as your horse? are you talking about 'profit' for a horse in a few years down the line or for now? If so I am not sure why you can't just keep the one you're got.


Well-Known Member
4 May 2010
Yorkshire :)
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if hes so fab, why do you have to sell? or is it just so you can buy pretty new one? and its nice to see that your only bothered about profit for yourself

Its because hes too big for me to ride, i'm only small..and i'm sorry if you think its wrong, but i would love to be able to get myself a horse where the money came out of my own hard work, and to be honest, there's not much point keeping him if he's going to be wasted with us as my mum has other horses to hunt.


Well-Known Member
28 October 2009
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Not meaning to be rude but - I'd suggest your parents handle the selling process. I don't think anyone (reputable) would take a 15 year old very seriously i'm afraid.


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8 February 2009
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I have just sold one, within 48 hours to the first person to phone (about 20 mins after she went up)

Advertised on here, and horse deals. H&H was well worth the money. My biggest tip for you is to be totally honest, and people will take you seriously. Make sure they know any quirks etc, I know; I was 16 when I sold ^^ that one :)


Well-Known Member
30 March 2007
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Whatever your reasons for selling and what to do with any money that's entirely your business!

I would suggest that you look on horsemart, horsequest, horsedeals and of course horse & hound and search for horses which are a similar age and with similar experience. Also consider that prices will vary by area so look at ones closer to where you live.

Read as many adverts as you can of all sorts of horses and see what things make you think "I want to see that" or "that horse sounds perfect". Use these ideas to draft an advert that is honest, genuine and highlights your horses best attributes - make sure to include details of passport/vaccinations/how he is to shoe, box, catch, etc and if he is registerd BD/BS/BE).

Get at least 3 good photos - a side conformation shot, a flatwork, and a jumping (Sj and XC if you can) If you have a video then add that to your advert (nothing too long with too many "fancy edits" or your favourite music).

Be prepared for lots of random calls and questions. Have a copy of your advert to be able to answer them well and always suggest that he just has to be seen to be appreciated

Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
30 June 2010
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sorry if you think its wrong, but i would love to be able to get myself a horse where the money came out of my own hard work

hard work?? then again being 15 you probably think putting a few ads up and being there when people come to view is 'hard work'. to be honest, buyer would be stupid to purchase off a 15 year old and i dont think its appropriate that you mum wants you to sell him.
sounds like hes much loved by you and your mum :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
22 May 2010
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if hes so fab, why do you have to sell? or is it just so you can buy pretty new one? and its nice to see that your only bothered about profit for yourself

Oh here we go, leave her alone :mad:

search the net and post on as many sites as possable. I do feel that your parents need input. If I rung about a horse I would want to talk to your parents. It's not fair to leave it all up to you.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
9 November 2007
TBH as you are only 15 I think you personally handling the sale is wrong.

From your post-and I know its a big jump to make-you don't come across compitent enough to stand your ground or mature enough to make a sale.

I personally wouldn't buy a horse from anyone who thought selling on a parents horse was hard enough work to warrant buying a new one.


Well-Known Member
25 November 2010
Up north
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im only 16 but adverise lots of things for my parents and i always get good results

so if i was to advertise a horse i would include

Name or registered name if you want to
General Temperemant, and what horse is like to load, clip, shoe, teeth etc
What he has been used for and what he has won
Whether there is any vices that should be known about
What he is like with other horse
What type of rider he is suitable for ie competition, novice rider, experienced rider only or mother/daughter share
Whether he is forward going/needs a kick etc!
And if there is any tack, equipment included

Some pics side on standing sqaure, a pic of him with a rider, a pic of him jumping
If you can put a video


Well-Known Member
30 March 2007
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hard work?? then again being 15 you probably think putting a few ads up and being there when people come to view is 'hard work'. to be honest, buyer would be stupid to purchase off a 15 year old and i dont think its appropriate that you mum wants you to sell him.
sounds like hes much loved by you and your mum :rolleyes:

How totally unnecessary and completely uncalled for :rolleyes:

Perhaps if you have nothing useful to say then you should simply avoid this thread rather than bullying a younger member???


Well-Known Member
6 September 2010
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Basically,like many people in the country, we are desperately short of money..

We have a horse which is brilliant and everything.. evented up to PN and is a fab hunter that we need to sell..
Fine, sounds like a situation many people are in

However.. my mum does not have the time to worry about selling him or anything involved so has put me incharge..
Because your mums too busy hunting other horses, why doesn't she sell one of them?

What i would love to know is how people go about selling Hunters/Eventers and how much they would be.
H&H, horsemart, horsequest, horsedeals, ad trader types, horse&rider, horse magazine

I know that horses arent really selling at the moment, but i would really like to know how to make as much money as i can because i get the profit to go towards a horse for me!

Thankyou so much!
If you have no money don't buy more!!!

Maybe this comes across as bitchy and uncalled for, but if you have no money, why can't your mum sell a horse, and don't buy another, they eat money don't ya know!


Well-Known Member
22 August 2010
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Fine, sounds like a situation many people are in

Because your mums too busy hunting other horses, why doesn't she sell one of them?

You're 15 and outgrew at 16.1hh?

H&H, horsemart, horsequest, horsedeals, ad trader types, horse&rider, horse magazine

If you have no money don't buy more!!!

Maybe this comes across as bitchy and uncalled for, but if you have no money, why can't your mum sell a horse, and don't buy another, they eat money don't ya know!

Thought it was only me that picked up on that...


Well-Known Member
22 May 2010
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hard work?? then again being 15 you probably think putting a few ads up and being there when people come to view is 'hard work'. to be honest, buyer would be stupid to purchase off a 15 year old and i dont think its appropriate that you mum wants you to sell him.
sounds like hes much loved by you and your mum :rolleyes:

What is wrong with you? Had a bad day at work? Op is a 15 yr old seeking advice so lets help her and not drive her away. No wonder so many teenagers on here don't take advice seriously or listen at all with this attitude.


Well-Known Member
24 January 2008
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Oh here we go, leave her alone :mad:

search the net and post on as many sites as possable. I do feel that your parents need input. If I rung about a horse I would want to talk to your parents. It's not fair to leave it all up to you.
Good luck

^^^ ditto this, if no one ever sold a horse then there'd would be none for people to buy!!
I bought Charlie from a 14 year old girl, although it was her mum I dealt with, so people will want to speak to your parents..good luck and I hope you find him a good home!! :)


Well-Known Member
3 December 2008
Look, folks... the OP asked where to advertise and how to go about it, not if they are right to sell a horse.
MK - I think the OP means that the horse is too big, not that he/she outgrew it.
Honestly, I hope the weather improves soon, cause tempers are running high on here as it is:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
4 May 2010
Yorkshire :)
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obviously the parents would handle the money side etc.. and i just thought i would try and help them out when they're concentrating on their jobs.. It probably came across wrong, as i wouldn't really be getting much money as they would need all the money, but it would mean that i can start saving a bit of money for whan i'm older. :(


Well-Known Member
9 November 2007
So you are not doing it single handed then!!
Someone your age could easily be bullied into taking an unfair price for him.

Do your research.
Go on Horsemart and such like and do a search for horses as near as dammit as your chap. Find out how much they are going for and then maybe work out the average?


Well-Known Member
22 August 2010
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obviously the parents would handle the money side etc.. and i just thought i would try and help them out when they're concentrating on their jobs.. It probably came across wrong, as i wouldn't really be getting much money as they would need all the money, but it would mean that i can start saving a bit of money for whan i'm older. :(

Well in that case, good luck to you :)


Well-Known Member
4 August 2004
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Bloody hell this place is getting ridiculous at the moment. Theres no need to attack someone in such a rude way, I'll bet some of you wouldnt speak like that to someone in the street. People come here to share/gain knowledge and advice, cant it be done in a polite way? Be matter of fact by all means but theres no need to be rude!!!!

Original Poster:

Such a shame you have a horse who would be great if he wasnt too big for you!
All I can advise is that you really could do with some of your parents input on this one. Not only would some people be wary of buying from a 15yo (dont take it personally!) but also there are some idiot buyers out there so its worth having the input of an adult to back you up and make sure you dont get taken advantage of.

Once you've sold yours have you thought about loaning? Given the money situation etc it might be worth doing then at least if money struggles become a problem your not tied to soemthing which could incur an awful lot of expense?


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7 July 2005
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Please dont take this the wrong way but personnally I wouldnt want to buy a horse off a 15 yr old. Its nothing personal, I just dont think it looks good and would from a buyers point of view look better if an adult was selling or at least there at the viewings etc.
My friend has recently loaned her horse and a 14 yr old girl kept ringing her. Friend said fine, you can come and view but I need to speak to your parents, parents never got in touch so that was that.
Other than that I cant see whats wrong with you wanting a horse thats more suitable for you so good luck in selling. Oh I would look to buy in Horsemart, Horsedeals and H & H.


Well-Known Member
16 March 2008
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I sold my pony at 14 with no help/input from my mum :)

get some decent photos (1 x flatwork and 1 x jumping), check adverts for similar horses for price and things to include.

If he has a decent BE record you can put his BE name so people can check him out.

I would look on sites like Horsequest to see what sort of adverts look most professional/catch your eye and copy the style.


Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
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God bonnie93 - totally partonising, rude and uncalled for!

I brought (with my own money i had earnt from clipping other peoples horses) a very cheap (£650) horse when i was 14, brought it on and sold it when i was 15. I wrote advert, advertised, paid for the ad, took emails/texts, and sorted out viewings, rode, told people about the horse and had loads of interest and sucessfully sold the horse for 3.5 times what i brought it for... the only thing mum did was take phone calls because i HATE talking on the phone.

So yes i think its fine for a 15yo to sell a horse. However you have to be very in the know with prices, adverts, advertising, know every last detail about the horse, confident when they come and veiw the horse, show the horse off to its best etc... and by the sounds of things you seem a bit wishy washy on a few of the above so could possibly miss out on a few potential buyers :eek:

Good luck, its not impossible if you put the hard work in (and by hard work i mean the 'preparation' bit aswell) :)


Well-Known Member
5 July 2007
Beautiful Hampshire
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Honestly people! Get a grip, poor girl was only asking for advice!

I fail to see why it is anyone business whether she wants to work hard to get herself a more suitable horse.

Sometimes I wonder!