18-18.2hh is too big, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
27 March 2006
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This is my 18hh boy. He is easy to do and I don't have any issue finding rugs etc to fit him, he is 6 ft9. We did have an issue with transport and we have a HGV for the head room. I love big horses personally.
Last edited:
15 November 2022
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I would agree with the holding together (or not!) bit. I am 5'4" and used to ride/look after an 18.2. He was well mannered, but his 6' long legged owner could really wrap her legs around - I couldn't. Grooming/plaiting etc - had to work from a stool and was only able to put the bridle on because he was kind enough to keep his head low. Large horses are far more expensive to keep. One good point is you get a very good view from on top. Bad point is that you might get slapped in the face by an awful lot of twigs and branches that your riding companions pass beneath without a second thought.
I ride much smaller horses and still get hit by twigs so I have a scratched helmet