1st day at Brigstock, odd day, very good po's but a bit flat!!!!


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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We got there and I nipped off to walk the course, all looked ok, early question 4/5 but fine as could do a circle, quite a big step in to the water, but heading towards home and held in by by the trees, rest looked fine!
Cib did everything first, she warmed up quite nicley and even managed a canter on both reins with out a paddy
she did a ok test, little thoughtfull in the canter, which means we do a beautifull sort of shoulder out the entire time, but kept going forward (ish) and was nicly chilled out - for her
so was very happy with a 39.
She warmed up for the showjumping in a very diffrent style than normal- we have gon off standing up and down in a corner and decided we enjoy it, and would like to do it the way we go x.c
! She jumped the best yet, not over jumping everything and looking for her next fence - not the exit
! but this ment she was getting keener and as I have not been able to put any brakes on as it has caused temper tantrums I could not hold one side of her at all- normally I cant hold her but since we have been hanging and sort of napping in most corners I have used that to steady us, but today all I could do was sort of steer
so we touched 3- she just brushed them behind, so im thrilled with her really, but a bit humphed by my 12F , but now hoping I can put a curb on (like she has x.c) for s.j and we'll nearly be there
She was a machine x.c, she is amazing classy, honestly I have never ridden something that gives me the feeling she does
she just lolops (sp?) in and then out of no where this huge but controlled jump comes up under me mmmmm its awsome
but just to put a downer on it, they gave me a stop at 4/5 I did want to turn a circle, and I did turn a circle but she wobbled about and had abit of a nap (only sliping though her shoulder) and I think it must have looked like she stopped
anyhow, we had no time to ask, and after MM didnt see it being worth while!! So cib has another non stop on her record- good job I have no plans to sell her

Then legs, she did a lovely test- a bit keen in her trot, and bit wobbley, but she is 17.1 and only 5 so its a lot to keep sorted in the little arena
she got 34, which was good as there is still loads to work on !
Then minnies dressage, she did a normal settled easy lovely test- like allways, but got a ......42
its such a daft mark that I can only laf!!!!!

I then jumped on to legs to s.j, she s.j really well, so bold and straight, she just touched the little upright after the spread, so I was pleased, its her first pole this season so would be greedy to keep it that way
she was also brill x.c, much better with her mouth shut
very bold and carefull! but...just to cheer me up they gave her a stop at the water...honestly, I know its been said a thousand times but she didnt go back or side ways, just wobbled on the edge and jumped in!!... even the x.c commentator said, a stop at the water for Hannah, in a suprised tone of vioce, then he said, I think she may be questioning that
but again, no time, had to get on minnie to s.j and x.c,
So off I went on Minnie, she's a compleatly bonkers dude
she jumped a brill double clear, she is like a school master to jump
she just says, shut up mum I know what we are doing, and the strange thing is, even though shes only 5 and this is only her 2nd PN she dose !!

Then Moo's dressage, Moo was a real babe, she tried her little heart out, I have only just strated to be able to truly ride her on the flat instead on nag along a try to avoid a strop
so a S**T mark 73 I think
but we are all really thrilled with her - and just pleased she kept her cool so I can have some fun tomorrow- its her first 2*

Wow...that was longer than I planned, and writing it has made me feel a lot happier- they were all very good...its only their 2nd PN after all
just a little very flustrating !!!!!!
Now really looking forward to some fun tommrow


Well-Known Member
23 May 2008
Lincs/Notts Border
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Sounds like a mixed day but well done!
You rode past my lorry this morning (big black/dark bay?) but I was in a bit of a flap getting ready for stressage, and you'd just finished xc, so didn't want to bother you!
Good luck for the ** tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
9 December 2008
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Well done, I heard the surprised xc commentary and wondered what had happened!!
I saw part of Moo's test looked v flash!! Gd luck tomorrow


Well-Known Member
14 January 2006
In limbo...
I wish I'd know who I was keeping an eye out for today

Apart from wishing I was going cross country, I didn't envy anyone riding in that heat today, I think my friend lost a stone in sweat, and she has a forward going horse

Well done, and good luck for tomorrow!