Well-Known Member
If she is reliable don’t be mean, just pay. Finding a reliable person for such limited hours isn’t easy, in fact I would be thinking Christmas bonus!
On minimum wage it is barely worth doing for 2 hours a day. What does she earn.
Maybe she is a bit slow.
But do you know what being a groom is a low paid and quite frankly grotty job.
If she turns up reliably, does a reasonable job and is good with the horses I wouldn’t begrudge paying for an extra 30 mins
If she is reliable, then keep! I haven't been able to find anyone to come a couple of times a week to do the stables, one agreed to come and didn't turn up, another got a full time job. My "go to" lady only lives a couple of miles away and was until recently going up twice a day to look after an elderly horse (she said the owner made it worth her while) so it was easy for her to pop in. But if you are paying someone to travel a further distance, just for you, then they have to take that into account.
Just for interest - if we have to get mechanics out to our farm machinery, at £x lots per hour, they start charging when they leave the depot.
This, 100%.Two and half hours is reasonable to do that well .
She may be slower than some but is she reliable ? Trustworthy ? we need to move away from thinking the most important thing about a stable worker is that they shovel fast .
She won’t stay if you force her to play beat the clock day after day why would she for two hours in the current climate .