Well-Known Member
Haven't seen you on her, but if that is you next to the pony, is she going to be a bit small for you?
Hi yes she is passported
She ismeant to be 14.2 but I think she's more 13.2 do u think im to big? Im10 stone? ??
No she's around the 14.2 mark.
You look fine on her. As for the lameness just see what the vets says.
As per another posters comments. Far better to long rein her than lunge her.
My opinions-
You are not being ripped off at £150 incl tack and a three month trial.
She needs the lameness checking out.
She would probably be ok for gentle hacking but may not stand up to faster stuff.
I would take the three month trial, what harm can it do?
I would move her to the other yard where she will have company.
You need to bite the bullet re dentist and vets, rather than dither!
Ah, well that changes things.
£100 per week is an incredible amount to loan a horse for. I would want something that would take me round Badminton for that price!
£250 is too much for a pony that is basically stiff/lame with tack that doesn't fit.
Anyone putting you off getting a vet to a lame horse they want to sell you is dodgy, however nice they come across.
You are being taken for a ride here. The horse is worth a gamble for £100-150, but not for more. Even cheap tack is going to cost a couple of hundred.
I would offer £150 without tack, and if he won't take it, end the loan and walk away.