22 year old pony to buy or not??


Well-Known Member
6 February 2013
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she looks good to me, i would not be rushing to put on weight at this time of yr, i am confused you agreed to take mare on loan wvtb, you agreed a price,you had seen the mare, now you are not sure if its a good price/the right thing to do-just buy the mare get her teeth done and away you go-she has done nothing wrong by the sounds of it you are just getting cold feet.
i agree the price is high but its what you agreed,


Well-Known Member
25 June 2001
Shropshire/Worcs. borders
Get the teeth done - with sedation if needed. Yes, there's always a risk of sedatng an older horse - but therisk of not doing its teeth is FAR higher!

I had a 35 year old pony here some years ago to look after until EMW had a place. When it arrived it was skin and bone - but when the vet tried to put the gag on, it reared an struck out. Vet WAS nervous about sedating it but my answer was - sedate it today - it has a chance, otherwise you'll be shooting it in a week!

The teeth were horrendous and he had ulcers n his cheeks! Teeth done, the weight started to go back on and he lived another 7 years at the sanctuary before his heart started to give up and he was PTS. The owner is either a rip-off merchant or doesn't live in the real world. Try telling him you want her - but with the costs of sedating for teeth etc., you'd like to offer a little less - see what he says. But the saving you'd make is probably not worth the risk of losing her - it sounds ike she's got into your heart already.


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7 July 2008
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Look beyond the wooly coat etc. she looks nice and worth what he is asking .

I would get the vet to give her a MOT and then go from there. My own 24 year old is great and enjoys life.

Caring for the mare would be something that I would do. With a good bath and her summer coat she will look so different.

As for her teeth I would ask the vet about sedation. Caring for all her needs is so rewarding and knowing she is yours and what ever you do you would not have to be accountable to any one else (a horse on loan).

If you want your son to learn all about ponies then looking after a nice quiet pony would just be the thing.

I would buy her and give her the good home she needs.

As you say the mare found you. That to me means that you should have her.
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8 June 2010
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Why don't you pay what he wants but see if he will give you the use of the field for free for a year. Also, negotiate a price for the use of the field before paying for the horse!


Well-Known Member
25 April 2013
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Hes only the care taker or the field. And he wants £20 a week for stable and feild but my friend is at some private stable s up the road abd its £20 a week for feild stable hay and morning feed plus coz there's 3 others on there angel would have company and id have support if a day came when I couldn't get up ect


Well-Known Member
11 March 2013
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I say just go for it, give what you agreed take the pony & get her to what you want her to be, older ponies are fine, I would deff take one on, in fact I did buy a 20 year old last year myself, at over the £1000 mark cos I fell for him.
If shes in your head & heart already, you will regret not taking her on, more than quibling on prices etc. Costs are always incurred when you get a horse, I always like to get them up to date with worming & teeth and a quick vet once over too x


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19 October 2009
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I would have the vet check her then pay for her and move her to your friends place

Draw a line under it (after vet) or you could pay out for everything only to have the owner change his mind about selling or even up his price


Well-Known Member
25 April 2013
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Ok well I ve just been up abd had a lunge with her and she loved it qnd really came alive even did an excited rear n buck dod 5 mins on each rein and a gentle walk . Walked her back to the stable and shes limping and lifting her back right leg the one the owner said she had mild athritis n stiffness and dragging her back feet slightly I ve locked her out the feild for her to rest ... and also her pooh is slightly sloppy mainly grass do u think her being out all the time grazing on thia spring grass is to much should I start bringing her in?


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25 April 2013
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Well-Known Member
25 April 2013
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You look fine on her. As for the lameness just see what the vets says.

why has she gone lame though after one session of lunging??
ive locked her in for now she can come out of the stable but cant get on to grass as I don't want her getting her foot stuck in the mud if she is sore

do you think I should be giving her 24 hour turn out as she is used to it but my friend said with her pooh being a bit sloppy all grass she may be getting to much


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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I think you probably need to get the vet to look at the mare to answer your questions regarding the lameness.


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25 April 2013
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As per another posters comments. Far better to long rein her than lunge her.

yes I think I will be trying that .to be honist ive never long reined never needed to im going back up in a hour to check her
im hoping its just cause she is nt used to the work but only 5 mins each rein should nt cause that although she was very excited .. think more so cause of the attention she was like waaayyy haaaay look at meeee!!
bless her she did so well too now this has cropped up!


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27 October 2012
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I am a fan of oldies and have welsh section d mares 26 and 22 they are both still going strong and are ridden regularly BUT keeping older horses is more complicated and expensive, even as an experienced horse owner it is a learning curve, you will need to be ready do some research and spend more money on vets and feed and spend more time caring for her as an older horse, hope the vet gives you good news. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
25 April 2013
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ok what im gonna do is... see how she is in an hour if still dragging that back leg keep her in tonight to rest and see how she is tomorrow. after just speaking to the owner he thinks she was stiff and has pulled some thing I shall get the vet Monday if no change


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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My opinions-

You are not being ripped off at £150 incl tack and a three month trial.
She needs the lameness checking out.
She would probably be ok for gentle hacking but may not stand up to faster stuff.
I would take the three month trial, what harm can it do?
I would move her to the other yard where she will have company.
You need to bite the bullet re dentist and vets, rather than dither!


Well-Known Member
4 October 2011
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Good luck with her.She looks lovely and his lucky to have found you.

We bought knobberpony when she was 20 and someone who saw me looking at her ad told me to walk away as at that age she'd be a vet's bill waiting to happen.They were dead wrong,she is fit as a flea,hardy,and the perfect pony for us despite her quirks.Both my girls learnt a lot from her,there is nothing she can't do and she is a long way off retirement at the moment.I have promised she has a home for life with us and when the girls want a bigger or whizzier pony,I'll hack around on her.I'm a big fan of golden oldies.:)


Well-Known Member
25 April 2013
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My opinions-

You are not being ripped off at £150 incl tack and a three month trial.
She needs the lameness checking out.
She would probably be ok for gentle hacking but may not stand up to faster stuff.
I would take the three month trial, what harm can it do?
I would move her to the other yard where she will have company.
You need to bite the bullet re dentist and vets, rather than dither!

hi thanks
im paying £25 a week to loan her while on trial its not free plus im buying all her feed and bedding
Then its £250 for pony and tack... my friend came up today and it appears her saddle does nt fit correctly I could get my arm right down the middle. so I need to look into that
i know i think i am dithering but i don't want to spend loads of my money on his horse for a vet to say shes no good for hacking ect then have to walk away with no pony and an empty bank..
the owner keeps trying to put me off the vet not because i think hes hiding anything but because he is the kinds bloke that thinks they want to make money all the time
i went to look around my friends yard today and was nt keen it was abit messy and angel would nt have all year turn out and to go in and out as she pleased and the stables where quite dark id hate her to be shut in a dark miserable stable all winter with only limited turn out when she is used to freely doing what she likes. so im looking into maybe seeing if someone could come on to my yard as there is 6 acres and 2 stables one of which is more like 2 knocked in to 1.

i will be getting a vet up to check her over and also to go a dental check but as i ve only had her since Tuesday 23/4 im just trying to gain some advice of you more experienced horsey people
after going lame an hour later she was walking normal just a slight stiffness in her back right leg. she also tends to turn that leg in when walking.
i really have got a soft spot for this pony i don't know why shes nothing i usually even look at i like 15hh + cobs , fells and my loan horse was a part shire but she really has pulled my heart strings hopfully she is what im looking for cause if not i will be hunting down the best companion home in Lancashire.
don't you wish horses came with a book of there life id love to know what this beautiful pony has been and done for the past 22 years
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Well-Known Member
6 February 2012
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Here's a different way to think about it.

Imagine yourself in 6 months, having walked away and maybe looked for a younger or a different horse.

Are you sitting wondering what's happened to the little mare, and how does that make you feel?

If you don't feel too regretful, move on. If you know you'd be gutted and worrying about her, take her on.

She looks like a very nice pony - even with a bit of arthritis, gentle hacking out in a straight line would most likely suit her fine, and would brighten her up a bit, getting out and seeing the world. A situation with a few more horses would probably also cheer her up lots :)


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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Ah, well that changes things.

£100 per week is an incredible amount to loan a horse for. I would want something that would take me round Badminton for that price!

£250 is too much for a pony that is basically stiff/lame with tack that doesn't fit.

Anyone putting you off getting a vet to a lame horse they want to sell you is dodgy, however nice they come across.

You are being taken for a ride here. The horse is worth a gamble for £100-150, but not for more. Even cheap tack is going to cost a couple of hundred.

I would offer £150 without tack, and if he won't take it, end the loan and walk away.


Well-Known Member
25 April 2013
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Ah, well that changes things.

£100 per week is an incredible amount to loan a horse for. I would want something that would take me round Badminton for that price!

£250 is too much for a pony that is basically stiff/lame with tack that doesn't fit.

Anyone putting you off getting a vet to a lame horse they want to sell you is dodgy, however nice they come across.

You are being taken for a ride here. The horse is worth a gamble for £100-150, but not for more. Even cheap tack is going to cost a couple of hundred.

I would offer £150 without tack, and if he won't take it, end the loan and walk away.

£100 a month not week hes charging me £25 for loan of horse stable and field once i buy her it will be £20 for stable and field per week
he wants £100 for pony and £150 for tack her bridle is perfect but saddle although brand new looking and leather does not fit correctly. the other things like grooming kits buckets and nets r included too
what i ideally want from her is a happy hacker walk trot and occasional canter maybe 2-3 days a week for a couple of hours maybe? as there is lots of bridle paths near me so that's my aim


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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Sorry! I'm writing this from abroad after a long flight, I'm obviously not on the ball!:eek:

Ok, so that sounds a bit better. I would still take her to the other yard with company if you buy her. Is there anyone experienced around (a local instructor or a yard owner perhaps?) who could come and look over her when she is stiff, give you an opinion without the vet?

I would buy her without the tack for £100, you could get buckets and grooming kit for next to nothing anyway, bridles aren't much (ebay has good bargains), then get a cheap second hand saddle fitted - it may cost you a bit more, but at least you'd know it was comfy for the horse..

I would still be worried about her going lame though, even if only for an hour post riding, it still suggests something may be wrong and she may get worse after more regular exercise (she could get better too), you really need to know a bit more to be safe - hence asking someone else..


Well-Known Member
25 April 2013
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yes i know a few horsey people and the lady a part loaned the part shire off is coming over next week her daughter is a riding instructor and they are noth very well experienced so they could help me. im just looking on my local vets to maybe get her on a pet plan which included health checks dental checks and rasping feed advice worm count ect

when i went up to give her some tea there was no head in the leg but the owner says she s always had stiffness in it you can tell she drags it as with looking at her hoof
he was happily back out in the field tonight grazing when my friend drove up .
tomorrow im going to walk her round the paddock on the lead rope and see how she goes.
i soo hope this is just cause shes is nt used to it as in the 4 days i ve been caring for her its cost me £170 for the loan, feed , and bed, a sore back from her not being mucked out in a long time 35+ wheel barrows and 2 days.. and a lot of worrying and sleepless nights.