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We recently got a new puppy on the 2nd of December, she is a very nice dog, a little cheeky though. We have had a black lab for a year prior who is very sensitive. There hasn’t been any real aggression fights however they like to play fight ALL the time, my dad thinks that separating them is the best solution and so they only have about 30 minutes to an hour together every day, I personally don’t think that is the right way about getting around the problem of them not leaving eachother alone themselves , could really use some advice on wether this is a good way to solve the issue or is it making it worse as there has been no improvement what so ever, as soon as they see another it’s right back to fighting. the puppy cries for the older one when she wants to play, my dad is to scared to keep them together afraid that they will get into a real altercation and then hate eachother for the rest of their life. What do I do!?