35,000 liars


Well-Known Member
20 March 2009
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They may not have lied when they signed their name, but as soon as they didn't do what they signed up to do, they became liars.

Doesn't this just demonstrate that you lack the intelligence to understand what the word 'liar' means?


Well-Known Member
19 March 2009
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Quote Zigzagzig: <<They may not have lied when they signed their name, but as soon as they didn't do what they signed up to do, they became liars>>

Read the actual wording of the declaration.

It was not a promise to do something in the future - it was a statement of our intent at the time of signing.

<<They may not have lied when they signed their name>>


May I presume that you will now admit that your accusation that this makes us out to be liars is fallacious?


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2 May 2009
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The Liams Hunting site as you say warns all to be carefull as to what they say on the subject, antis are everywhere and will use the information to bring down the hunting regime.Zigg has a point though re :the petition,but at the time feelings were high on the subject.LEGAL advice on defience,also was taken and the fact that more damage would have been done in the(eyes of the general public). A conservative govt may overthrow the ban and hunting can resume,left to the people who know the hunt.It is not often I will agree with zigg on an issue but he was quite right to say signatures on the petition were "LIARS" (to some extent) by none defience of the ban.Some did and we were fined,but in defence of our sport and the rural way of life had to come first...before a "few pounds" fine.Each one goes with his concience, as do I suppose, any anti.I am reminded of the "where would we be without testing on animals?" after all I expect all the anti brigade have had injections for measels,polio,and use perfumes, hairspray etc... Typical we take advantage of the science,but dislike where it came from.Zigg is right to point out and highlight this fact...


Well-Known Member
19 March 2009
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Quote Wildduck:<<It is not often I will agree with zigg on an issue but he was quite right to say signatures on the petition were "LIARS" (to some extent) by none defience of the ban.>>

No, he wasn't. I sy to you what I said to him - read the ACTUAL WORDING of the Declaration.

Not what Zig might have thought it might have said, not what you might have thought it might have said, not what some journalist reported that he might have thought it might have said - but what it ACTUALLY SAID.


Ok here is a quotation directly taken from the actual wording of the Hunting Declaration:

<<... we the undersigned declare our intention to disobey, peacefully, any law purporting to ban hunting; any such law would be manifestly unjust. We do this with sadness, and recognising that our defiance inevitably threatens our freedoms and livelihoods...>>

We declare our intention...

That means that we declare that, at the time of making said declaration, we intend to do XYZ at some point in the future if ABC happens.

This is not the same thing as solemnly swearing that come hell or high water, no matter what, we will definitely do XYZ, may God strike us dead if we don't.

It simply isn't. It's a basic exercise in English language comprehension.


Well-Known Member
20 March 2009
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He has a weird habit of doing that. Like when he accused me of lying and saying I didn't chase deer with dogs despite what I actually said being that i did. His basis for this was that he thought I meant I didn't.

Strange bunch these antis and when you actually analyse what they say it is basically bollocks.


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2 May 2009
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Herne:Have copy of the declaration myself indeed I signed it as did my wife and friends.I took action on the subject as you know and will do so again if asked or called upon,to defend hunting and shooting.I see your point hebegebe about the comment that zigg made and tried to cover up later about you hunting deer.I really do not care about what all the other hunters/shooters do on theis subject,as I will defend my right to hunt and shoot to the end and if need be ..BE WILLING to face prosecution should all en-mass decide that is the way forward..BUT the hunting bill will be GONE at the next General election when we have our safe consevative govt back in power..... until that day..... "watch out for the antis" keep your head down......


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2 May 2009
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I am NOT a member of the BMP but I have read their article on their stance towards hunting etc..In this article they say that they will overturn the ban. AND LEAVE the hunting to BE DECIDED by the local people to whom it concerns...Now if... this is true,which I am sure will surface in their general election campain ..I expect they will get a few votes.I do NOT want a BMP govt but the way the country is going who knows.Has anyone eles read the article and can shed light on it???