5FT round hay bales


Well-Known Member
18 June 2003
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hi,i have just brought a round hay bale never used them befor,have been told i have to unwind it is there no better way, also got one of the baletidys that cover it. please any help poor arms falling off


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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Unwind is the only way I have discovered if you aren't using it as is in a paddock. This is my technique:

Stand it on end, and leave plenty of space all round.

Remove all wrapping.

Simply unwrap, layers should fall off, but make sure you take each 'layer' off clear to the ground, otherwise you get to a point where the bottom is thicker than the top and it is much harder to loosen then.

When you get to the stage where it is 'sticking' and harder to peel, try pushing it on the side and unroll what you need. You do need space to do that though.

I either throw mine into a trailer to take around to feed, or I put it on a sheet (yep, plain old bed sheet) and drag/carry it to the barn.

Have fun:D


Well-Known Member
27 April 2008
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Unwind is the only way I have discovered if you aren't using it as is in a paddock. This is my technique:

Stand it on end, and leave plenty of space all round.

Remove all wrapping.

Simply unwrap, layers should fall off, but make sure you take each 'layer' off clear to the ground, otherwise you get to a point where the bottom is thicker than the top and it is much harder to loosen then.

When you get to the stage where it is 'sticking' and harder to peel, try pushing it on the side and unroll what you need. You do need space to do that though.

I either throw mine into a trailer to take around to feed, or I put it on a sheet (yep, plain old bed sheet) and drag/carry it to the barn.

Have fun:D

We use these large bales too and Enfys does more or less like we do. We use big builder sacks to transport round to boxes or fields. We also use one of these sacks where we have cut small holes in the base of it to soak the hay too.