7.5 tonne lorry test


Active Member
21 April 2008
Ok I'm planning on taking my 7.5 tonne lorry test this year but apparetnly theres a new test coming out in September called CPC? But just reading up on it and it looks like its only for those who drive lorries profesionaly? So I would only be using a lorry for going to shows that with my own horses so would I not have to take the test? I'm a bit confussed by it all and panicing that I've got to get my test done!


Well-Known Member
14 March 2008
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I haven't heard of that test before. I took my lorry LGV test over 2 years ago, and i think it's still the same.

If your over 21, i would take the LGV (originally HGV) test instead of the 7.5 ton. It cost the same amount of money, the same theory tests and you still need a medical. The only difference is that you drive a slightly heavier truck.


Active Member
21 April 2008
I'm just abotu to be 19 so can't do my HGV and wont ever have a big lorry either so just going to do the little lorry test.

I don't think I've got a rush to get it done...I will in the next couple of months.


Well-Known Member
16 January 2006
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found this

Driver CPC for bus, coach and lorry drivers
A new qualification for professional bus, coach and lorry drivers - the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (Driver CPC) is coming. In future, just holding a vocational driving licence will not be sufficient for someone who wishes to drive these vehicles for a living.

The Driving Standards Agency is taking the lead in implementing EU Directive 2003/59 which requires all professional bus, coach and lorry drivers to hold a Driver CPC in addition to their vocational driving licence. It comes into force across all European Union member states on:

• 10 September 2008 for bus and coach drivers

• 10 September 2009 for lorry drivers

In order to maintain their Driver CPC, all category C and D licence holders (including C, C1, C1E and D, D1, DE, D1E) will be required to undertake 35 hours Periodic Training every 5 years.

Driver CPC also introduces a new Initial Qualification for drivers entering the industries after these September dates which they must complete in order to drive professionally.

The main aim behind Driver CPC is to improve road safety; providing better qualified drivers to help reduce road casualties. Driver CPC should also bring an improved professional and positive image to the industries, attracting more people to drive buses, coaches and lorries for a living. It is aimed not only at improving the knowledge and skills of LGV and PCV drivers when they first start work, but also ensuring those skills are maintained and developed throughout the driver’s working life.

The DSA is working closely with trade associations for the freight, bus and coach industries, the Sector Skills Councils and other government agencies to ensure Driver CPC is implemented in a way that suits the needs of the industries.

Please Note:

Any lorry of 3.5 tons and upwards and minibuses with 9 seats or more are covered by Driver CPC.

Driver CPC will enable young people to enter these sectors in a safe and professional manner, from 18 years of age, subject to any licence restrictions for category D drivers (see ‘Minimum ages’ section under Driver CPC evidencing, enforcement and exemptions).


Well-Known Member
8 January 2009
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Hi just to let you know that as from Sept this year the age limit for HGV is lowering to 18 so if you can wait that long I would do it then. The cpc exam will be an add on to theory test still questions on a screen but more like real life, based on info given eg If you have to make a delivery as early as possible what time will you arrive based on being able to start shift at 6am, You than have to work out that you need to allow 15mins for vehicle check and take a 45 min break after 4 1/2 hours driving they will tell you how far. There is also a bit extra to the driving test on loading and safety. once you have the initail licence you only need to keep the CPc up by doing 35 hours training in five years if you want to drive commercially but there are no more exams its just a case of paying for and attending the training over 5 years. Good luck


Active Member
21 April 2008
Ok thank you
Might do my HGV then! So will I have to do the CPC if I don't want to drive for a living?


Well-Known Member
8 January 2009
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Yes have to do the initial one but dont have to keep it up if you don't want to drive commercially, however if you are a groom and drive sometimes you would need it as it would be part of your job.


Well-Known Member
8 January 2009
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Yes one part in the theory test and one part is added onto the test when you are asked some safety questions and how you would secure a load etc should take no more than 30mins extra or so they say!!