83 Dogs Recovered in Ipswich


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14 September 2001
Hants, England
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I’m not surprised, although I’m not sure why it’s taken this long to raid the place. It’s not as if the RSPCA aren’t regularly there anyway checking up on the poor horses. ?


Well-Known Member
18 January 2021
West Mids
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83 suspected stolen dogs recovered from a traveller site in Ipswich
Let’s hope some of them can find their owners
This is why I get irritated when people think it happens to someone else, or there is no cause for concern.

Dogs are being stolen at a huge rate at the moment. I do hope those who've had dogs stolen find them, it must be awful for people with stolen dogs to be given false hope when they look at the website and hope against hope their dog is there and it's not showing. I feel for them, I really do. That and the phychological effect that the dogs must go through.


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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The thought of one of my dogs being stolen makes my blood run cold.

I would sooner see them dead.
I said this last week to a friend who was horrified. I would at least know they weren't suffering.

I know someone who did get their dog back but only after 3 months (from a similar situation at another site). The effect on her daughter was awful - every day she ran down to check the dog bed to see if she had returned home...
The owner was distraught for herself and the dog and her daughter.
The dog was ok but who knows what happened or the conditions they were kept in.
She was a speyed middled age jrt.

At the moment it is my biggest fear and I am super careful.
Two women stopped a lady walking her dog (cute breed) down the road from me. They asked if she was speyed, how old etc and took a photo of the dog!! The owner took photos of the women and put them on the village website - they were not local women as they had accents if you get my drift. I think she was brave and quick thinking but they could have got nasty. As it was the owner walked away and when she looked back the women were talking with a man who had obviously been standing behind some bushes on the path as he wasn't there previously. Maybe they just liked dogs but there have been a few incidents locally of dogs being stolen or attempted theft.

I'm sorry if I have offended anyone by my casting aspersions on certain communities but round here it would seem to be common that these are the people approaching people, taking pictures etc.


Well-Known Member
30 January 2017
N Yorks
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An unpopular view on here but it is always the same type of places that have these mass dog seizures. Bet they get nothing for it at all, they will all be called John Smith and none will show up in court.

Unfortunately I agree with you on this, at least to an extent - I don't think the lack of enforcement (as I see it) does anyone any favours. It just means that criminals escape justice and levels of resentment against travellers get worse. That doesn't help anyone, including all the law abiding travellers, who end up being tarred with the same brush, so to speak. It's really unpleasant. The whole situation is a mess and is sad. At least I hope that in this case those dogs do manage to make it home.


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17 August 2005
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We live next door to a few caravans and they are nice people, he is chatty, his family not so much, but they are proper gipsys who have travelled around forever doing potato picking etc. They speak Romany amongst themselves. His parents 'settled' on next door's field many years ago and he lives there now, about 5 caravans in total maybe. Always spotless and he hates the hare coursers, says it causes troube for him and his family. Next door are fine with them being there.
It is the Irish criminal gangs that happen to live in caravans, in my opinion, who cause most of the issues.
So I don't hate them all, blindly. Just most of them.