A BE related musing……


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
North Yorkshire
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Following on from reading the posts on Kits – Competition Disillusions post

Does anyone else think it would be nice if BE could run an end of Season Team event simular to the JRN series (sorry ON18) or BE100JR but for us oldies :p

Ok maybe not viable in the sense of having a specific section at Qualifiers/ Selection events as it would probably be huge

But a scenario where you sign up/ register with the Regional selector stating which horse you wish to be considered to join the team with; you go out and compete that season and come September you forward your BE Results page to the selector and they choose a team to go forward to represent the region at the end of the season and its judged off results/ consistency.

Maybe with conditions such as those aiming for BE100 style team must not have competed/ qualified for the Badminton Grassroots finals or have any Novice level points
And for the Novice horses and riders (either) not to have done CIC*** or Advanced ???
And obviously open to anyone aged over 18 ;)

Just following on from what seems like a common trend that people find that they have nothing to aim for within BE
And I must admit I do have green envy when I see Junior Reports on here (and its not just because there young ;) ) but for the opportunities they all have in training and competition

Also BS do something similar (scope team event) and I *think* BD do so surely it could be possible and wouldn’t cost too much (might take some time choosing a team if it was possible) especially if it was to run at a fixture that already was running – it would just be 2 extra sections

Like I said just a musing but interested what people think and if I should put it forward to the big guys at BE ;)


Well-Known Member
16 January 2009
Near belvoir castle
I think it sounds like a very good idea. It makes me crodd that there is so much for U18s on the training side. I was never aloud to do BE when I was U18 because it was to expensive for mum to pay for. since I have been working I pay for it so we can do BE, but I wish I was earning or had rich parents when i was U18 :(


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
North Yorkshire
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Just trying to think of a no-pressure (if there is such a thing ;) ) solution

We all know season plans can change - horses/ riders break or you do better than expected (do one Novice get a point for a double clear and ruled yourself out for GR champs but not upto Novice Champs standards)

so having an option where you could just go out and ride with a possibility of getting somewhere could be quite nice


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
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Yep totally agree - and you could have a ruling the exclude 6 monthly members too so those who have forked out ££ still get the rewards :)


Well-Known Member
30 November 2008
Down South
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I think it sounds like a very good idea. It makes me crodd that there is so much for U18s on the training side. I was never aloud to do BE when I was U18 because it was to expensive for mum to pay for. since I have been working I pay for it so we can do BE, but I wish I was earning or had rich parents when i was U18 :(

Rach - my daughter is under 18 and she isn't earning and doesn't have rich parents - far from it, but I work hard to pay for her to BE and she works hard with the horses ;):). We appreciate the U18 help she gets, it comes from BE's efforts to improve safety from grassroots up. FWIW I think there are far worse older riders out there competing who are a danger to themselves who could do with the same input as the under 18 group, who before anyone else says it I know also get input from PC (and me :rolleyes:).

Langside I think it is definately something that should be considered, maybe if you get a lot of positive feedback on here you could contact BE to let them look at the link, though I do think they do this periodically.


Well-Known Member
6 October 2009
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Re the training help for the under 18's, I agree that it is a good thing that it is made available, however it is still expensive - from what I can see it is just as expensive as private training.... hardly opening it up to the masses!


Well-Known Member
25 August 2008
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As an official oldie now :eek:, well under your categories above anyway :p, yes I would like training and team stuff through BE - I am really annoyed that I am about 60 days too old for all this U18 stuff and the NS stuff despite the fact I am still 18 and at school full time! Though I have just joined EHOA and signed up for two clinics :D and I intend to join some RCs as well this season so we can get out more :).


Well-Known Member
3 March 2005
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Yes I think this would a great idea, I was just thinking about this the other day. I think BD do something where you can try & get on a team to represent your area in team comps?

For me, I feel I have nothing to aim for with BE anymore, which is why I'll more than likely swap to BS, at least you can try and qualify for various finals throughout the year.


Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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I think this one really has legs, Langside :) Excellent idea, and I'm sure there would be masses of support. I think it is important to make sure it stays up to and including Novice level rather than becoming yet another Grass Roots competition, as this is where the gap in "Things to Aim for" has been identified. I also think it would be worth specifically EXCLUDING under 18s as, as you say, they have plenty of other outlets.

With adult training camps gaining in popularity, it is clear that people enjoy expanding the social aspect of the sport and this would be a great benefit of this type of competition as you would meet more people both within your Region and, at the Finals, from further afield. The Pony and Junior crowds make close and lasting friendships through their interaction and it would be nice to bring this side to adult eventing too...

My suggestion would be to take your proposal straight to Paul Graham, who is always open to new ideas, and see what he has to say :)


Well-Known Member
26 May 2002
New Forest, Hampshire
Rach - my daughter is under 18 and she isn't earning and doesn't have rich parents - far from it, but I work hard to pay for her to BE and she works hard with the horses ;):). We appreciate the U18 help she gets, it comes from BE's efforts to improve safety from grassroots up. FWIW I think there are far worse older riders out there competing who are a danger to themselves who could do with the same input as the under 18 group, who before anyone else says it I know also get input from PC (and me :rolleyes:).

Langside I think it is definately something that should be considered, maybe if you get a lot of positive feedback on here you could contact BE to let them look at the link, though I do think they do this periodically.

I don't think she was digging or saying that U18's didn't work very hard!!


Well-Known Member
23 November 2009
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Yes, that's a great idea! I like the point about grassroots finalists not being eligible and it defs needs to include Novice. Maybe also Int? Not that I'd know the first thing about Int, but it seems, from posts on here, that some amateurs with Int horses feel rather squeezed out. So have you asked BE about it? Let us know what sort of response you get!


Well-Known Member
11 February 2007
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I think it's a great idea too. It would be nice for Rosie to have some kind of championship to aim for with her young horses given that she's ineligible for the grassroots stuff.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
North Yorkshire
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I wasn't going to go further with this but had a bit more support today so might give it a try.

I'm not trying to push the training side - as others have said theres already opportunities (CDT, jump training, BE instructors/ private clinic etc) its the lack of 'competition' that quite a few riders find themselves stuck within
But at the same time i want to try and avoid the pot-hunter combos who might try and stick within a level year-after year

TD - you have hit the nail on the head re interaction/ team building i really think BE should do more in this aspect
Will try and speak to Paul once i try to complete a better presented idea ;) rather than my rambles :p

Hottotrot - I agree some Inter riders are also stuck but due to the lack of events at this level within some regions I'm not sure it would work?? Also if sticking to 100/Nov I'd already have a template to compare with thanks to the junior programme :rolleyes:

Rosiefan - Is Rosie out of GR due to riding at 2*? This is an area i want to make sure i get right - again finding a balance that makes it fair for all - need to tackle the Rule book ;)

Any more suggestings would be a great help :)


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1 March 2010
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Langside, I do think you have hit the nail on the head. I dont event, my daughter does, but I have to err admit something a bit shocking. I do love going eventing with Mini TX, enjoy all the trainnig sessions she goes to and feel so chuffed for her, plus I have met some really lovely people and there are some nice budding friendships developing. However, I really want to have a go myself .............

Something like this would be perfect for riders such as myself - a bit older and not really wishing to do Grassroots, which I wouldnt be able to do as it now as her horse has points on it. I do harbour quite a secret (well not so secret desire now) to have a go. I have to overcome a showjumping issue first, but I know our mare (and I will only do it with her, as I trust her) will take me around an xc course safely, she will do a lovely dressage test and although she is a bit of a polebasher, I know she will sj for me once I get my head right. However, I wont be 'allowed' to do this until Mini TX has managed to achieve what she wants to achieve eventing wise with her.

Something like this would be perfect for those not young enough to do JRNs, and those who dont want to do, or cant do the Grassroots thing at Badders. If you want some support, count me in.


Well-Known Member
26 November 2007
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This does sound great! :D

I am one of these riders that "can't" do the grass routes comps as I'm overqualified (have completed a couple of CIC** with not very good results on paper but I am thrilled with having done them!) yet there are several professional riders that produce many young horses a year, win young horse classes and can go to the champs as have only ridden up to intermediate before the horses are passed to their bosses/sold on.

It could be something really quite simple like a county (or region like in the dressage equilavent) based team of 5 riders competeing at a "championship" in september or something. All riders wanting to be considered have to send in an "CV" of them and the horse/s they want considered and maybe have to compete at one or two "viewing" events (in the area they want to represent - live in) before hand and like you said send your results for the season to have the squad picked.

There could be a "championship" venue and they're could be teams at levels from BE90, BE100, Novice and Intermediate. I think there could be lots of interest.

As has already been said I'm too old for the "age" classes but am overqualified for the new riding club series which is at BE80! Why not novice height?

Good luck and keep us updated and if you need any help just let me know.



Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
North Yorkshire
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Thanks TX - remember its never too late ;) and i'm a firm believe that your never too late to learn

Having a target is something people often struggle with - I have especially after leaving PC : then it was the Open Area Champs each year but i find myself rather stuck in the no-mans land within BE where if i was 18 or under i wouldn't be :rolleyes: ......... now wheres that time machine :p

AJ thanks for the input def food for thought - i did think about the region aspect but was slightly worried BE would be stepping on RC toes ;) but will make a point of this and use it as an option :)


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
North Yorkshire
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The powers that be at BE are listening - Thanks go to Mr Paul Graham who has said he would be happy to read any further thoughts

So please add to this thread with any more ideas or if someone has pointed out something you feel would work better ASAP :D


Well-Known Member
26 May 2009
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I think it is a great idea, for those at the inbetween levels , who might not be as competitive as the pros ( in terms of placings achieved, not in terms of ambition!!), but who still aim to move up if possible

Maybe the teams could be chosen with some kind of a handicap system, eg, only one rider who has ridden at the level above, or 2 levels above, per team.

Also, as an antidote to the extensive range of classes for the "younger generation", maybe include places/teams for the " veterans" amongst us.....I will leave it up to others to suggest the minimum age for this!!.


Well-Known Member
11 February 2007
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Oh please don't have too high a minimum age (Rosie's only 20 but because her birthday is in December, this is her last year at YR level and no.1 horse isn't going to be fit enough :().

Yes langside, because she's ridden one horse at 2* (is the criterion 2* - can't remember) she isn't eligible to compete for the grassroots champs on all the other babies who will undoubtedly follow. The only comp she can go for now is the championships at Gatcombe or the Olympics (joke). So something else would be such fun.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2005
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This does sound great! :D

I am one of these riders that "can't" do the grass routes comps as I'm overqualified (have completed a couple of CIC** with not very good results on paper but I am thrilled with having done them!) yet there are several professional riders that produce many young horses a year, win young horse classes and can go to the champs as have only ridden up to intermediate before the horses are passed to their bosses/sold on.

It could be something really quite simple like a county (or region like in the dressage equilavent) based team of 5 riders competeing at a "championship" in september or something. All riders wanting to be considered have to send in an "CV" of them and the horse/s they want considered and maybe have to compete at one or two "viewing" events (in the area they want to represent - live in) before hand and like you said send your results for the season to have the squad picked.

There could be a "championship" venue and they're could be teams at levels from BE90, BE100, Novice and Intermediate. I think there could be lots of interest.

As has already been said I'm too old for the "age" classes but am overqualified for the new riding club series which is at BE80! Why not novice height?

Good luck and keep us updated and if you need any help just let me know.


I think something like this would be a fantastic idea & would be something I'd definatly aim for, this type of thing will definatly keep me interested in competing at BE :)


Well-Known Member
23 May 2008
Lincs/Notts Border
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I think this is an excellent idea Langside - well done!

Another thought just to throw into the mix - what about a multi-level team as currently happens at BSJA and BD - in that there would be one rider each from BE90, BE100, Novice and Intermediate and their combined scores across the competition would be the team score?

(In addition to the same level teams - not instead of :))


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
North Yorkshire
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great to hear so many people sounding so positive - hollibobs that is exactly what i wanted o hear :D with the rising costs involved within competiting (not just eventing) people need reasons to keep it up (especially after winter blues ;) )

quizzie great idea for the handicap system the support aspect of this could be fab too especially to anyone rather 'new' to eventing (1st or 2nd season getting the benefit of working alongside a seasoned pro so to speak :) )

MM really like that idea too as I've been part of the BS version before and it was great fun

Rosiefan - don't worrie i'm still in Rosies Age group so i don't want my own idea to not work for me ;) - saying that H is only upto BE80 standard :p

I will be drawing up some options because i think we have so many fab ideas - some of which i really feel could be viable to happen this season - others might take longer to plan and would cost more but would be a fab addition to the sport :D I just hope BE are as positive

Will keep everyone informed and post them on here ASAP


Well-Known Member
11 February 2007
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I guess it won't happen if it's going to make a lot more work for any of the officials so it needs to be kept as simple as possible. Might mean qualification for the champs needs to be based on the existing scoring/recording system......somehow. Sorry, a bit of a vague thought.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2005
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Big pats on the back for you Langside for coming up with such a fantastic idea:) Lets hope BE listen and come up with something, you've got me all motivated again.

The only thing I would say (and I realize this is only my take on it), is to try and make sure it includes something for the amateur Novice & Intermediate competitors. The Grassroots final is a great thing for BE90 & BE100 competitors to aim for but I feel its these other two levels that really miss out. I know you have the Novice regional final & presaumably something similar for Intermediate, but realistically these tend to be dominated by the pros, which is fine, & don't get me wrong I love competing against them & seeing what we can achieve, but it would be nice to have something to aim for so we could compete against our fellow amateurs in a championship type competition:)


Well-Known Member
3 January 2008
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As has already been said I'm too old for the "age" classes but am overqualified for the new riding club series which is at BE80! Why not novice height?

Because sadly RC doesn't provide anything for those competing at BE80 level although it does have qualifiers and Champs at the equivalent of BE novice - not a lot of logic!! (But while these ideas are being worked on this year you might want to join a RC if you want to do team event at nov - our club would certainly welcome you!)

I think the ideas sound great - equivalent of the BD inter regionals with a member of a team at each level, or full teams of each level and certainly something for the amateurs at novice and int would I'm sure be well recieved


Well-Known Member
25 March 2008
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I would imagine rather than someone being in charge of choosing the teams (which could take forever!) it might be worth somehow using foundation points, for example, taking an average over the best 4 or 5 events on a horses record that season? Would mean you wouldn't need to run the horses a stupid amount, would be allowed the occassional off day and would be a fair way of selecting a team, without taking up too much of someones time? Just a thought....