A bit of advice pleaseee :-(


Well-Known Member
18 February 2009
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Agreed but legally the keeper (person who has horse on loan) is suppost to have the passport (mind you Ive got a section A on loan until payed for and her owner refuses to give me her passport). Im thinking the same as you tho.
The horse now belongs to the new people.What if the new people NEVER want to sell the horse? (some keep as pets when outgrown) You cant make them give the horse up.
Its been what 17 months? Think you will have to give it up as a bad loss.Sorry but realistically it could take years to prove.
I think the owner of the field was owed money and she sold the pony to recouperate her losses.I also think the pony was abandoned by the loanee.

If you think that, you're completely wrong :) My pony had bone spavin, he'd had the quarterzone injection, and was resting on her grass as it was healing. She sold him. And he wasn't on loan to her, we were visiting him very regulary, so no - he wasn't abandoned.

If anyone is genuinly interested in what happenes him him in the future, feel free to pm me and you can have my msn, however I wont be returning on here for reasons that its upsetting me, im just a genuinly emotional person so anything about my pony upsets me its not your fault and I do understand that you're only drawing up assumptions (wrongly may i add) but its only natural and to be expected.

Thank you xx


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11 July 2010
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hi this happened to me, call the police and also the passport office, tell them your horse has been stolen , the pass port they have for your horse is not proof of purchase, get copy of vet visits etc try to put info together, i got my horse back, i had to go to court, this lady had done this before. my horse was on loan and was sold to a meat man. call police asap. good luck