A change of venue


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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Am I right in thinking that generally ALL hunts have their opening meet at the same venue every single year, as they do with their opening meet, or is that just our hunts?
For all the years I have hunted, and my parents, our opening meet has been at Kennels, but this year it has been changed. I have heard within our hunt whispers of disgust and I just wanted hunter's views on changing the venue of the opening meet. Thanks, Rosiie


Well-Known Member
13 November 2005
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For all the time that I have hunted, and Im sure for the many many years before that our hunt Opening Meet has always been in the same place. Likewise, the Christmas Eve and Boxing Day meets are also always at the same venues. I havnt heard anything to the contray regarding this year, but would be curious to see the meet list.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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Rosiie - im assuming that this is because of Mr T and Liz being well in with the hunt now, so they can make the changes to their advantage.
Its a lovely day at the opening meet - shames its not being held at the kennels this year, it wont be the same.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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Yes Sarah, think this is why. They also held the bubbly breakfast there this morning which was TOTAL chaos and disorder, people coming unstuck every few minutes. I am gutted they have changed the kennels meet, and am not alone in my trail of thought, I understand about trying to make the meet work, but Kennels always attracts such a huge number of riders, it is a great day, and, stating the obvious, its on home turf. I know quite a few have been upset by this change, I have never known a hunt change such a big venue for any other reason then last minute problems. Odd.


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17 March 2005
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well all I can say is Mr Tue doesnt always thinking normally and if what he says doesnt go he gets the face on and kicks off. BUt on the other hand i suppose he is putting quite a lot of money into the hunt now hes master so i think they are probably just being accomodating and letting things lie that they normally wouldnt. Dont think they could cope without his money, unless they found someone else to take his place.
Personally i think the Rockwood has gone down hill since he took over mastership :mad:. Bring back Clive i say!!!! they were the days :grin:


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30 November 2005
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Yep, unfortunately all I could appriciate back then was on a 12.2hh pony. Did used to like it when Steersy was in, but then again I am slightly biased :D I am thinking of buying some days with Badsworth and Bramham this year, change of country a little :)


Well-Known Member
24 August 2006
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Does it really matter? They will have the kennels meet another day. I think a change would be good!!

Only been with Badworth once and i can honestly say it was the most boring day ever!!!

Sarah - when was the last time you came out with the Rockwood anyway? We've had some fab days with Adrian, Andrew and Alexwhich would easilly match any of clives jollying around his crappy bits of wood attached to wire fences!

wish people would just enjoy them selves instead of bitching, There probably wouldn't be a Rockwood if it wasn't for Alex, Liz, Christine etc. and i think they do a good job! They might make a few mistakes but at least they are trying there best and i don't see anyone else wanting to do all the hard work.

I'll always stick up for RH!! I'm disapointing in you girls!

Stop being so fickle and complain if you have a c**p opening meet not before its even happened! :mad:


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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sorry Sarah didnt mean to upset you.
Ive been on foot that last few times and i just dont remember it being as bad as it currently is. It seems to be getting more clickier and some groups are very stuck up and dont seem to want to have newcomers coming to the hunt. Maybe thats just a view from a foot follower. Im sure there werent as many accidents as there has been recently or is it just that some idiots are coming out and havent got a clue.
Dont mean to sound awful about the Rockwood, im sure it is only still around becuase of Alex moneys funding it.
Also i dont think ill be going out with the Rockwood this year, i dont think they really cater for youngsters starting out - god i remember my first day out with Ebony - that was bloody scary - good job i knew she could jump.Dont think i could cope with Chantin being a complete and utter pratt


Well-Known Member
24 August 2006
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I'm not upset chick. just sticking up for them. I haven't found its more stuck up at all. It might just seem like that cos some of the regulars get a bit peed off with all the newcomers who seem to be coming totally unprepared and like you said, having a lot of accidents and stuff.

I wouldn't worry about taking a young horse, you can do what you want now becasue they have a non jumping field master and stuff like that so its probably easier in that respect.

You should come! :D


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17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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glad ive not upset you. Its just that its not like it used to be when me, you, Kate & Lucy were all together hunting! Do you see much of Lucy?
was talking to Christine and she said that it wouldnt be a good idea to take Chantin as they are finding it hard to find non jumping areas round the day even with a non jumping master. So just assumed from that i shouldnt go.


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24 August 2006
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don't you want to jump at all? Will i Have i seen that horse before?

I don't really understand why she said that, why do they bother with the non jumping filed master at all then? Strange, maybe she's still bitter because we were better spice girls than her and her old bunch!

Don't see lucy at all. Went for tea at Pams about a yesr ago but haven't seen her since. Think she's a bit of a towny nowadays.


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17 March 2005
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id like to jump however unsure as to if Chantin will. Ive not jumped her at all (shes happy to jump out of the field though when she pleases!) ive been concentrating on her flatwork. Shes just starting to mature - kept her work to basics to ensure i dont get problems with her like i have with Eb.
Do you remember the foal i had at Alexs 4 years ago - i had her mum aswell? well shes now 4 (obviously) broker her last year, & restarted her again this summer. Youll have seen her out and about - shes on Roper House Lane - BIG bright bay WB mare (17.2hh ish)
I thought that they had started with non jumping group but took Christine as gospel as shes still as master isnt she???
Yes were definitely better spice girls than them however it didnt take much now did it. Someone mentioned the video of that to me the other day - god i hope it was burnt.
Shame about Lucy - did see her as more of a townie - the horsie image didnt seem tosuit her - wouldve said designer bird rather than mucky horsey bird if you get what i mean!


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24 August 2006
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17.2!? thats hugh!! She'll be able to step over the jumps anyway! i'll find out for you about jumping etc.

Think Lucy is more interested in going to trendy clubs than riding. I think she's living with a guy - he seemed really nice, if a bit camp!

You should give it a go hunting, you could keep me company!


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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yes shes grown a bit bigger than a) i wanted and b) i expected but hey ho shes going to be the size she wants to be. shes just on the lean side atm. yes definitely will step over the jumps if not throw me over them! cheers let me know when you find out - sure your mum will know wont she?

Keep you compnay - youll be off up front and not wanting to be behind - however could possibly bribe you with a full hipflask!!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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Past three seasons ours has been held at 3 different venues. It doesn't bother me but you do get used to them like the Xmas eve and Boxing day are always the same and that would be odd if that tradition changed.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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Im sorry sarah but Im going to disagree with that here. Yes alex has mad the best of a shite situation we were left with after the ban and he gets credit for it, but this much change?


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6 November 2003
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I think hunting is a tradition

If the opening meet has a tradition of always taking place at the kennels or indeed another venue then I think it is sad that that tradition has ended


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9 December 2005
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Not wanting to seem overly cynical, but perhaps the change is to avert publicity from the probability of an accident?

I would not be surprised in the slightest if the foxes which reside around kennels are being culled no differently to before, especially as who's going to rat... the neighbours?

If the master feels there is a high chance of illegal hunting taking place during a highly publicised meet due to high levels of fox activity in the local area, then he's damn right to move it! Tradition or no!


Well-Known Member
24 August 2006
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So what is it you don't like about it? i'm a bit confused! I thought it was fun! :confused:

I don't understand how it wouldn't change a lot when they are hunting in a completly different way now with a different huntsman?

Just chill out Rosiie! I garentee if you leave us for the Badsworth you won't stick it there for long! We are lucky to have a local hunt which is so much fun IMO. RH certainly doesn't need its own members slating it on message boards!


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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I dont think Bromley has ever made a good meet, its in and out of cover and I have always loved kennels for its diversification of hedges to hunt fences and walls, Bromley has never seemed to offer that. Opening meet attracts a huge amount of members and non, I always felt that they got the best of it at kennels, wanting more.
My only real problem with RH at the moment is the fact that they charge us for fallen stock, ask us to pay full subs and then hunt over ours all winter.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2006
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''My only real problem with RH at the moment is the fact that they charge us for fallen stock, ask us to pay full subs and then hunt over ours all winter.''

Instead of bitching anonymously, if you are not happy with the Hunt, why not speak to them direct?

Suprisingly, the use of voice is often more effective than the use of a computer.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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Instead of bitching anonymously, if you are not happy with the Hunt, why not speak to them direct?
Im not, I have spoken to the master but little was said about it. As much as I understand that our hunt is trying to genertae income I just cant afford subs and have never been expected to pay them before as we are land owners. When I go out on Wednesday I will have futher words.


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17 August 2005
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Although we are land owners, and OH was terrierman, and we host 2 lawn meets with tea, and they hunt over our land regularly throughout the season I still pay a full sub with compounded field money. I used to hunt occasionally and only pay a donation and field money but now that I hunt a minimum of once a week, usually more, I don't see why I should go for nothing.
I appreciate that lots of landowners do hunt for free, but I think a donation at least would be nice.
We are not rich and I work two jobs to afford my hunting. I scrimp and save and pay it in instalments but I would never expect to go for nothing.

Ask not what your hunt can do for you, but what you can do for your hunt.

Hope you can resolve your differences. :)


Well-Known Member
24 August 2006
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I understand what your saying cos they do always want to get money out of us at any possible oppertunity, but the sub for under 20's is only £150 for the whole season which is hardly over the odds is it. If they made you pay full at the bubbly breakfast i think thats just a one off where they get everyone to pay full (not sure why!)

Wish i could go on wednesday! :( :(


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30 November 2005
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I didnt go to the bubbly chick, coloured is still out :(
I do try but at the mo I havnt got £150 to pay to subs, know that sounds bad but hey.
I will be there on saturday at Kennels if you are going Sarah? x


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24 August 2006
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hopefully, but sal is still banned and dads working so we are driverless at the mo. I think its so poo that I'm not allowed to drive the waggon just cos i passed mt test after 1998!!

Ask them if you can pay when you go, at least its not in a big lump sum then. Its a good bargin for me now - was full wack last year and now only 250!

Whens oshka back in action?? It he feeling ok?


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30 November 2005
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I am aiming for annat royd meet on him on 14th October, plenty of time to get him back up and fighting fit, hopefully! Until then I am hunting Willow and Joannes Cob monty, that sister has at moment. Yes Bekka was saying that you couldnt drive it, you could do with something like Michelles or Angelas really couldnt you? x


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24 August 2006
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Yea, but we still need to fit Cheers, Badge and Caf in it and there are only 2 spaces. They are really expensive too!! We've got a new lorry bit for ours now anyway. Its only really cubbing when we miss out but stil a bummer!

Send my love to Oshka! :D