Well-Known Member
I'm seriously considering giving Bo a run at a 'proper' ODE next year
Obviously I have to overcome a few 'issues' such as the 'water thing', and it might be useful to go round a few more RC HT's first, but assuming we do, I have loads of questions...sorry
1) I had assumed that i'd do an Intro with him but i've been looking at EventRiders.com, and now realise that not all events run an Intro
So, how much tougher is a PN going to be than an Intro ?
2) What percentage of BE courses have a water complex, and to what extent would your horse be expected to go into it at Intro or PN level ?
3) I believe there are many reasons you can be eliminated at a BE event, but if you are, are you allowed to continue round the course ? Does it vary from event to event ? What about if you are eliminated in the Dressage (!?) or SJ'ing phases, do you still go x-country ?
4) Having looked at the costs of affiliating with BE, I suspect I will be partcipating on a ticket if I do bite the bullet ! Does your result go into the BE database for all to see if you are a ticket entry ?
5) Dressage: Just been looking at a sample test (110 I think), and it seems okay, but where in g*ds name is G (as in halt and salute at G)
6) Do I need a dressage saddle or can I get away with a GP ?
There are a few events quite local to us...Eridge, Brightling and Firle specifically...but would any of you say these would be suitable for a first bash !?
If you got this far...well done
1) I had assumed that i'd do an Intro with him but i've been looking at EventRiders.com, and now realise that not all events run an Intro
2) What percentage of BE courses have a water complex, and to what extent would your horse be expected to go into it at Intro or PN level ?
3) I believe there are many reasons you can be eliminated at a BE event, but if you are, are you allowed to continue round the course ? Does it vary from event to event ? What about if you are eliminated in the Dressage (!?) or SJ'ing phases, do you still go x-country ?
4) Having looked at the costs of affiliating with BE, I suspect I will be partcipating on a ticket if I do bite the bullet ! Does your result go into the BE database for all to see if you are a ticket entry ?
5) Dressage: Just been looking at a sample test (110 I think), and it seems okay, but where in g*ds name is G (as in halt and salute at G)
6) Do I need a dressage saddle or can I get away with a GP ?
There are a few events quite local to us...Eridge, Brightling and Firle specifically...but would any of you say these would be suitable for a first bash !?
If you got this far...well done