A happy little Bishop Burton BE report....


Well-Known Member
4 August 2004
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Well, what a long day it was and poor autumn only has herself to blame for being a superstar!

Alarm set of 4.45 to get up and go plait up etc as my dressage was on at 8.45 urgh!

Arrived at bishop to see a fair few there already. Autumn had been schooling LOVELY this week but somehow I cant seem to be able to replicate it at an event - she was being tense and quite hard work in the warm up to be honest and I had very little say in steering and was finding it hard to put my legs on. Needless to say I had a bit of a :( face before we went in but we managed to keep a lid on it in the test to score 39. Not horrendous I know but its frustrating when the work we are doing is nothing like we do at home....I think we need to get out to some pure dressage soon so autumn doesnt have xc on the brain all the time.

Onto the sj....it seemed to be causing carnage all day with poles flying everywhere, time faults and people getting eliminated. After our rather 'rude' round at BRC champs the other week I sj'd in the universal instead and have to say the round felt gorgeous! :) had a very unlucky rub at some green and purple filler upright with a pole on top (bogey fence of the day) but no bother I was made up and looking at the pics shes really picking her front end up nicely now

a few pro pics....




Quick change then onto the xc. Autumns little face lit up as soon as she heard the whistles and from the way she jumped the practice fence I knew we were in for a good time.

Set off like we meant it with our new found accelerator pedal and popped first three lovely. 4 and 5 we some logs set at a right angle on the hill. At the rc ares earlier this year I did the 'long route' and popped a circle inbetween but this time thought I would test her a bit and did them both on the angle. She jumped bravely into the dark at 7 and again straight and true over the house combination coming out of the woods. Brave as a lion again at the rail/ditch combo and onto the water and she LAUNCHED herself in and cantered through :) its nice to know she must be growing in confidence because although she has always gone in water shes always needed a bit of encouragement to keep moving forwards through it and not mince through. Onto the last and through the finish inside the time :)

A few xc pro pics.....

Love this galloping one - she just looks so happy


and over the last....


we were all done and dusted by 11.00 however turned out looking at the scoreboard that we were in with a shout and decided to hang about a bit. what felt like an eternity later (3pm!) we found out we had finished 6th :) chuffed to bits with her and she really is growing up now.

We have one more event planned for askham bryan. I really wish I had entered the 100 as I want to push ourselves a bit more now technicality wise. Never mind.....I have BE membership on my xmas list (we are on tickets at the moment) so onwards and upwards next year!

thanks for reading folks :)


Well-Known Member
13 May 2010
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Well done!!! I wish I could write such a positve bb report. I was one of the ones who got caught at that bogey fence! So much so that two officials felt the need to go come and find me at the wagon to congratulate me on staying on!!! My horse has never refused a showjump before! Oh well! Bring on next season!! Good luck at AB!!!


Well-Known Member
22 May 2011
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We did BB too. I thought daughter did her best dressage test of the season but we got our second worst mark (only beaten when she combined the BE91 & 92 tests!!!). Perhaps the judge was consistently harsh? We got clear SJ and XC and did the direct route at the logs but approach was slow and collected, so 7TPs. Got another foundation point though and really chuffed as our youngster has never jumped "proper" dressed SJs before. Luckily, it appears he's too stupid to notice!!!


Well-Known Member
31 March 2008
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well done! i have the exact same problem with the dressage- he's pretty consistent jumping and so its really starting to get on my nerves!

try emailing the sec for askham bryan- they might be able to swap you into a 100 section?


Well-Known Member
27 September 2009
Border Reiver
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Well done! Excellent result :D Saw in the results the SJ caused carnage!

You are maybe better not to go up for last run of the season anyway as if you have a problem then it is a long time till Spring when you can rebuild confidence. Far better to go for a really good last run - why not give yourself a goal of finishing 5th or higher or getting a RF qualification at it instead?


Well-Known Member
26 January 2010
N E Lincs
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Well done, great result. :D I was there on Sunday as well couldn't believe how much problem the showjumping was causing especially fence 4.

Think we may be in the same section at Askham Bryan if you stay in BE90 so maybe see you there but good luck anyway. :)


Well-Known Member
4 August 2004
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thanks for the lovely comments guys!

we are going to have late start times this weekend as askham bryan so going to try a different tactic re dressage warming up. Going to try warming up and then getting off for half hour to let her chill and then try another 10 mins before we go in - worth a try and I'll be interested to see what the outcome is!


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
North Yorkshire
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Well done we saw you XC or should i say heard you :p we were at the sheepfeeder as you went through the water ;) tried searching for you but no idea where you were parked

At least you were on early enough to avoid my asbo who spent the entire time doing hand stands
Despite that the judge didn't seem to care as we managed to get 5's/6's the whole way through - interesting seem we didn't show any walk
we did however manage to clear the sj warm up ;) sadly his attitude didn't improve and we didn't even get to the spooky fence 4 - naughty horse!

might catch you at Askham with hopefully a better behaved horse :)


Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
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Fab - great result! :D

I had a problem with the green SJ - a spook turned into a major strop for an overly fresh horse and I opted to retire whilst still in the saddle :eek:

The previous day in the Novice it was even causing problems - a friend with a very decent horse had 2 stops at it and the competitor before me fell off at it, stopped on re-presentation and finally jumped it at third attempt but was E'd for exceeding the time. Quite a surprise for a straight forward upright for what should be experienced horses. I don't think the positioning (ie. straight towards the arena fence) helped.

I also happen to know that there is a little gap in the BE100 at Askham as one naughty over-fresh horse has been moved to the BE90 as he didn't get a XC run at Bishop ;)

Mrs Pink

Well-Known Member
28 May 2010
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Well done, lovely report :D

Also agree with others, fence 4 def caused chaos over both days, agree with GB the positioning and possibly the banner on the fence directly after it just seemed to back them off

Good luck Askham Bryan :)


Well-Known Member
4 August 2004
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Well done we saw you XC or should i say heard you :p we were at the sheepfeeder as you went through the water ;) tried searching for you but no idea where you were parked


yep that will have been me the old 'fishwife'! Autumn had a little peek at the water at the areas so I was determined she was going in!

Please do come say hello at askham if you see us - would like to meet some fellow HHO'ers!

Best of luck to all those who are going :)


Well-Known Member
11 February 2007
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Two out of three etc. ;). What is the answer to lovely flatwork at home but it all falls apart on the day? I wish I knew - would make a fortune. Very well done anyway (frillies take some winning in my experience, especially this end of the season) and good luck next time :)


Well-Known Member
22 August 2001
Woking, Surrey
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well done! having the same dressage issues here. debating the split warmup technique or just taking him for a gallop to get him thinking forwards, doing a quick 5mins of trot and then taking him in!