A-levels and Equine courses : Can you do that?


Well-Known Member
23 November 2012
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Hello all,

It's coming to the end of the school year and I'm due to start my A-levels in September. Although I am doing academic qualifications with the intention of going to Uni, I also want to acquire some equine qualifications in order to allow me to extend my knowledge of horse care and riding.

Of course, most people wanting to go into equine careers would leave school and go to equine college, but I am capable of getting academic qualifications (teachers / parents want me to stay at school) and I do not want to risk backing myself into a specific career.

Is there anyone here who has got a mixture of academic and equine qualifications? Does anyone know of any part-time / short equine courses I can do?


be positive

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9 July 2011
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I helped a girl do her BHS stages 1&2 while at uni, she did the work in holidays and her spare time, if you are at a reasonable level they are easily attainable with very little help required other than learning to do things the BHS way, a few sessions at an approved RS should be enough, if you want to go higher then you probably would need to do a course but you have to get through each stage, plus the riding and road safety, to progress.
Otherwise the PC tests are respected and if you have them you can move up through the BHS system more quickly.


Well-Known Member
23 November 2012
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Thanks for the advice - I'd definately like to do BHS exams and as I'm already fairly experienced it would just be a case of fine-tuning my skills. I suppose they'd be a good option for summer holidays. Also, I intend to join my local British Riding Club in the New Year and I was reading about the BRC exams, which seem less formal than BHS exams, but possibly more accessible during term time when I am busier.

Orson Cart

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23 March 2012
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Plenty of equine study courses online - right up to degree level (often you don't need a levels to do these online degrees, but sometimes they limit entrance to over 18's only). If you have the time there is no reason why you can't take the online modules at times to suit your more full time study and study for a specific industry degree alongside your (possibly) more generic one.

Lots of colleges that do non ridden BHS online - study part time and then sit an exam at a local college.

Lots of other equine institutions offer similar courses to BHS too.



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17 August 2008
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BHS stages are entirely compatible with A levels. I know of several young people who have done that; then gone on to get their PTT during the first year of Uni so they can always have a summer job teaching! BHS is more universally recognized than BRC tests so you might find it more useful if you're looking for gap year / summer holiday work. Girls from our PC branch have spent summers from Uni doing things like leading trekking in Namibia and Teaching in the US on the back of their BHS exams. PC exams are also internationally recognized - but if you haven't already been a PC member you'll have to start at the bottom which is a little frustrating sometimes. The B test carries an automatic exemption from BHS stages 1 & 2 so you can go straight into stage 3 - but oddly is actually be harder to pass than BHS. PC A Test is pretty much the pinnacle and universally recognized as such. Less than 20 people a year get their A test across the whole of the UK!


Well-Known Member
23 November 2012
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Taking BHS exams sound like a good idea, and actually it would be handy for finding work over the summer holidays. Teaching qualifications are also something I'd quite like to have because I'd love to try teaching or leading treks. Thanks again everyone!