Well-Known Member
I can’t believe I have had Fin a month already! How time has flown already!
So Fin has already experienced his first vaccination with the vet, his first dentist and now also seen the farrier and he has been good as gold.
He really is a character and makes me laugh every day, always trying to ‘help’ with jobs and has to be involved - in a nice way though, inquisitive and kind rather than bargey or rude.
He came over from Ireland shod in front but as he only 3 I planned to have shoes removed, he clearly felt the same and did half the job himself! ? hoof completely intact and he has now had the other removed and feet trimmed.

I have continued to walk him out in hand around the village and he has been super, meeting bin lorries, trailers with diggers on, road works etc and taken everything in his stride. The other day and today after walking him out I couldn’t resist having a little sit on him and walking the track on the yard, he was super!

His beautiful summer coat is really coming through now, so excited to see him in his full glory! In a few weeks he will be going off to my trainer for a couple of weeks just to get him ridden away. Hoping he will lightly hack over the summer before being turned away again.

So Fin has already experienced his first vaccination with the vet, his first dentist and now also seen the farrier and he has been good as gold.
He really is a character and makes me laugh every day, always trying to ‘help’ with jobs and has to be involved - in a nice way though, inquisitive and kind rather than bargey or rude.
He came over from Ireland shod in front but as he only 3 I planned to have shoes removed, he clearly felt the same and did half the job himself! ? hoof completely intact and he has now had the other removed and feet trimmed.

I have continued to walk him out in hand around the village and he has been super, meeting bin lorries, trailers with diggers on, road works etc and taken everything in his stride. The other day and today after walking him out I couldn’t resist having a little sit on him and walking the track on the yard, he was super!

His beautiful summer coat is really coming through now, so excited to see him in his full glory! In a few weeks he will be going off to my trainer for a couple of weeks just to get him ridden away. Hoping he will lightly hack over the summer before being turned away again.