Pictures A little Fin update ☺️


Well-Known Member
3 April 2012
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I can’t believe I have had Fin a month already! How time has flown already!

So Fin has already experienced his first vaccination with the vet, his first dentist and now also seen the farrier and he has been good as gold.

He really is a character and makes me laugh every day, always trying to ‘help’ with jobs and has to be involved - in a nice way though, inquisitive and kind rather than bargey or rude.

He came over from Ireland shod in front but as he only 3 I planned to have shoes removed, he clearly felt the same and did half the job himself! ? hoof completely intact and he has now had the other removed and feet trimmed.

I have continued to walk him out in hand around the village and he has been super, meeting bin lorries, trailers with diggers on, road works etc and taken everything in his stride. The other day and today after walking him out I couldn’t resist having a little sit on him and walking the track on the yard, he was super!


His beautiful summer coat is really coming through now, so excited to see him in his full glory! In a few weeks he will be going off to my trainer for a couple of weeks just to get him ridden away. Hoping he will lightly hack over the summer before being turned away again.



Well-Known Member
3 April 2012
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Wow, you certainly have a good eye for a horse, two smashers in a row. Both beautifully produced too.

thank you! I am very lucky the producers I bought him from in Ireland have done such a fantastic job with him so far. I’m expecting their to be challenged but it’s clear he’s had a good start in life!


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3 April 2012
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Couldn’t have picked a worse day to walk Fin out yesterday! We’ve met a bit of traffic so far but it’s all been quite steady and had plenty of time to move into ‘safe spot’ etc. However yesterday was awful! We have two lane roads but they are pretty narrow. Yesterday we had a large lorry, a van with noisey trailer and then a JCB dumper with huge bucket on the front come passed in a procession! Then on one road I had to pull in for three double deckers and then a huge tractor and trailer come from behind! Arghh it’s normally fairly quiet where we are! At least Fin didn’t seem to mind at all and doesn’t seem the least bit concerned by traffic which is such a relief after previously having quite traffic shy horses!

We also had to squeeze in to a tiny lay-by full of rubbish which I thought Fin might be scared of but clearly not ?



Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Haha, Charlie would have tried to eat that rubbish too. I think that's half the reason Irish horses aren't scared of much, they think it's all edible. He's going great guns - well done on picking a good'un and giving him such a lovely start.


Well-Known Member
3 April 2012
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Haha, Charlie would have tried to eat that rubbish too. I think that's half the reason Irish horses aren't scared of much, they think it's all edible. He's going great guns - well done on picking a good'un and giving him such a lovely start.

I think you’re right there! All they do is look for food! He has to stop and talk to every pedestrian just in case their shopping is for him ?


Well-Known Member
3 April 2012
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Had the saddle fitter out this afternoon. Although I plan to do very little with Fin this year I want him to have all good experiences and a comfortable saddle for him - even if he’ll mostly be walked out in it rather than ridden with it!!
Anyway took the opportunity to have a little sit on a walk up and down the lane. I just love him! ??



Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Had the saddle fitter out this afternoon. Although I plan to do very little with Fin this year I want him to have all good experiences and a comfortable saddle for him - even if he’ll mostly be walked out in it rather than ridden with it!!
Anyway took the opportunity to have a little sit on a walk up and down the lane. I just love him! ??

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Well he's backed then, when does he go hunting? ?


Well-Known Member
15 September 2009
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He's a lovely looker but why on earth have his producer let him get so fat was my first thought - sorry!


Well-Known Member
3 April 2012
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He's a lovely looker but why on earth have his producer let him get so fat was my first thought - sorry!

He’s been turned out in a herd since he was 6 months old, not sure how else would be best to raise a young horse ?‍♀️ Yes he is probably bigger than he should be, but he’s an out of work 3 year with no muscle and a bit of belly. He’s got not fat pads, crest or apple bum and I can easily feel all his ribs. Photos aren’t always the most flattering!


Well-Known Member
28 June 2012
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He looks such a lovely laid back boy - you have landed a good one there. Look forward to seeing him progress.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2009
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Sorry, if you dont think this horse is fat you really need to critically evaluate him further with an open mind. Regular monitoring and reducing grazing for any overweight ones is the answer for the producers though I appreciate that's not your fault. Hopefully you've now got him on a strict diet...