A Lonely Swallowfield Report


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20 June 2006
The Best Shire
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Today was the first time I had ever been anywhere on my own in the horsebox. It was very scary :p and lonely :( but it all went well :D

Victor and I haven't been out for 2 months as I started training with a new trainer and everything went back to basics :p I also was going to continue at Novice but trainer said why not give Prelim a bash too, as while I can I might as well.

Well the training has certianly paid off as we got 71.72% in Prelim 15 and 72.73% in Prelim 19...........unfortunately I chose a very busy day with lots of nice horses present so these scores were only good enough for 2nd place in both :( but the lady in front of me was only 1/2 percent away and no one else was near us.

Also very annoyingly I halted too soon in Prelim 19 (which we got a 9 for one movement!!!!!!!!!), not at G, doh!!!! So got a 5 for that. If we had got a 7 or 8 we would have won :(

Anyway I am so so so happy and proud of my boy today, he was perfect, couldn't have asked for any better :D :D :D


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30 September 2010
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Well done!
I know this isnt the subject but was this swallowfield riding club in warwickshire? If it was who do you have as your trainer, its just that I'm desperately looking for a new one and if your in this area just thought it couldnt hurt to ask!
thanks x


Well-Known Member
20 June 2006
The Best Shire
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I live 6 miles from Warwick and have Emma Hawley. I've only had her for 2 months and she is amazing, totally changed my horse from heavy on the forehand to light and responsive!!!! Before I was only getting 65% at Prelim. She is so nice aswell, and she is just spot on.


Well-Known Member
1 June 2008
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I am based very close to Swallowfield - local dressage trainrs that I have heard good things about are:

Jemma Bentley
Steve Wallace (sp?)
Felicity Scott
Harry Payne

Others that I don't know much about:

Paul Friday
Alistair Ridyard

Spencer comes to our yard for regular clinic also if you were interested?

eta sorry just realised hijacked thread - well done for swallowfield results! Great scores!
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New User
30 September 2010
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Thanks so much! I don't suppose you have contact numbers or any way I can get intouch with any of those as I cant seem to find any information about them on the internet please?