A small rant about thanking drivers


Well-Known Member
5 January 2008
West Midlands
I know that this has been done time and time again, but given the BHS' campaign to improve attitudes towards horse riders I just have to say something about the two young ladies that my husband and I passed on our journey today.

We were following another car along a minor road - we know that there are likely to be horses as there are a couple of livery yards on it. As we rounded a corner there were two horses being ridden along the road - neither had any hi vis on either horse or rider.

It was not obvious as to whether either rider had heard the vehicles approaching, both the car in front and ourselves passed wide and slow. Not once did either rider smile, or acknowledge the car drivers. The horses did not appear to be misbehaving, a thank you would not have gone amiss. But imagine my surprise as we drove past and I noticed one of the girls texting on her mobile phone - loose reins, luckily her horse was well behaved.

If they'd just smiled and acknowledged it would show they were aware of their surroundings, was just left a bit open mouthed. Think one of them could have been a member of the local pony club as her jacket was emblazoned with the name - but wouldn't like to say.

Yes the horses appeared well behaved, but if the horse had spooked with the girl concentrating on her mobile phone I dread to think what could happened.

Sorry, just had to get that out - it's been bugging me since we got back.


Well-Known Member
28 February 2010
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I know of a similar case, no thanks or even acknowledgement of courteous drivers - surprisingly ;)
it is the DC and his wife of the local PC Branch - apparently they are known for their lack of courtesy.


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
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I don't mind whether riders thank me or not, but I do get annoyed when they don't seem to be paying any attention to their horse or passing cars. I encountered a young girl yesterday (early teens at my guess) riding her pony down a minor road while talking on the phone, reins on the buckle, and the pony was drifting about vaguely all across the road as she wasn't paying it the blindest bit of attention. Luckily I'm a horsey person so more or less pulled up, but other drivers might not have been so considerate.


Well-Known Member
18 January 2007
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Oh dear yes, the inattentive rider is highly frustrating.
Near my livery yard there is an intersection controlled by traffic lights. When riding through the intersection it is an unspoken 'rule' that you trot so that you don't hold up cars turning right. On a number of occasions, turning right at the intersection in my car, I have been held up by riders from another yard up the road who walk through. It is not that they are walking that irritates me (I understand that there may be reasons why they can't trot through). It is the fact that there are usually three or four of them, having a nice little chat, strolling through the intersection like they're on a bridle path with all the time in the world, and give absolutely zero acknowledgement to the drivers who are waiting for them. If other riders annoy me to that extent, I shudder to think of what the rest of the general non-horsey population makes of them...


Well-Known Member
3 November 2007
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Do we expect cyclist's to wave thank you after holding you up for sometimes 2 3 4 5 minutes on narrow roads with bends, how many ride 2 3 4 a breast, how many wear high viz have lights in winter wear helmets ride all over the path move to the side when traffic building, why are we horse riders expected to be all wavy smiling just because traffic obeys the highway code.

People who ride horses on the road without paying attention to their surroundings, don't wear helmet hi viz and show consideration for other road users are foof's, and blatantly don't care about their animal, but don't see why horse riders have to be all wavy smiley for every driver who drives correctly.

Stupid van driver I was behind today doing 28mph in a 40mph zone because he was on his phone, didn't thank me for driving correctly and not smashing into the back of him, he didn't wave a friendly wave or smile as I overtook, how rude of him.


Well-Known Member
21 April 2006
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Car drivers and passengers should wear hi viz smile wave and be generally grateful for the use of the road at all times .....


Well-Known Member
4 August 2011
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Touch wood, every rider I've passed has been very courteous and polite! Wish I could say the same for cyclists...but that's another thread.
Pedantic kind of sums it up


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11 May 2015
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I usually do thank them for slowing down unless i have my hands full trying to keep the horse under control. I had a moment where a van stopped so we trotted to go past quicker. Should have seen the fear in the men's faces when my horse suddenly spooked at a piece of wood and went straight towards their van. I did gain control and apologise but still kind of funny.


Well-Known Member
1 January 2006
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Do we expect cyclist's to wave thank you after holding you up for sometimes 2 3 4 5 minutes on narrow roads with bends, how many ride 2 3 4 a breast, how many wear high viz have lights in winter wear helmets ride all over the path move to the side when traffic building, why are we horse riders expected to be all wavy smiling just because traffic obeys the highway code.

People who ride horses on the road without paying attention to their surroundings, don't wear helmet hi viz and show consideration for other road users are foof's, and blatantly don't care about their animal, but don't see why horse riders have to be all wavy smiley for every driver who drives correctly.

Stupid van driver I was behind today doing 28mph in a 40mph zone because he was on his phone, didn't thank me for driving correctly and not smashing into the back of him, he didn't wave a friendly wave or smile as I overtook, how rude of him.

This, it's not expected from any other road user, why should horse riders bow and scrape for the 'privilege' of being passed safely? Saying, that, I do usually thank drivers if I can, but I don't think it should be expected or considered rude if I don't, for whatever reason.
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Well-Known Member
20 September 2006
That would be telling!
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I know of a similar case, no thanks or even acknowledgement of courteous drivers - surprisingly ;)
it is the DC and his wife of the local PC Branch - apparently they are known for their lack of courtesy.

Apparently......a smile,a nod or calling out 'Thank You' will suffice according to the PC Road Riders booklet to educate the young rider......they appear to read it!


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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I have ridden out a few times with a lady who thanks every driver regardless of if they slow down.
I always thank drivers who slow down but don't for the idiots who don't.


Well-Known Member
7 October 2010
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Do we expect cyclist's to wave thank you after holding you up for sometimes 2 3 4 5 minutes on narrow roads with bends, how many ride 2 3 4 a breast, how many wear high viz have lights in winter wear helmets ride all over the path move to the side when traffic building, why are we horse riders expected to be all wavy smiling just because traffic obeys the highway code.

People who ride horses on the road without paying attention to their surroundings, don't wear helmet hi viz and show consideration for other road users are foof's, and blatantly don't care about their animal, but don't see why horse riders have to be all wavy smiley for every driver who drives correctly.

Stupid van driver I was behind today doing 28mph in a 40mph zone because he was on his phone, didn't thank me for driving correctly and not smashing into the back of him, he didn't wave a friendly wave or smile as I overtook, how rude of him.

yes i do hope that other drivers are courteous enough to thank me when i slow down or pull over to make room for them, and usually they do. we live on a one track road and if you meet a car either me or the other driver has to pull over to make room.
Unfortunately most none horsey people think of us as arrogant tossers with loads of money riding around with our noses stuck in the air. Its nice to smile and wave to acknowledge someone when they have gone out of their way to give you room, and might go some way to show them we are not all stuck up *****.


Well-Known Member
16 May 2010
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If I am driving I will acknowledge other drivers, it is the same with riding, and it trains the drivers that the riders appreciate their consideration. Sadly round my way (rural) we are too scared to ride out now due to the nutters behind the wheels.

patchwork puzzle

Well-Known Member
18 July 2010
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With regards to the comments about cyclists not thanking other road users, so why should we!
I think that a wave to say thank you is seen as polite when riding as car drivers 'should' be slowing down to pass us. When I am on my bike I don't expect drivers to slow down to come past me and so I don't thank them, however if they slow down to allow me to take a turning then I do thank them! It's simple common courtesy, if somebody alters their current action to help you then a quick nod or wave is surely not too difficult.


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5 April 2010
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I followed two last week who were rabbiting to themselves ignoring the fact I was struggling to past them as narrow road. when I did start to past and overtake they looked but still failed top acknoledge me. Got my gander up, as If I was a non horsey person I would think

Snotty horse riders I wont past slow next time.
as per my last comment

Maybe it is because we can guess what a non horsey person would think!
That is for example: driver gets peed off being behind horses. .......riders do not thank him when under duress he passes wide and slow. So next time driver meets a group of horses he thinks, "Sod that next time I wont slow down."

Results maybe catastrophic or bad injury to horse or rider.

I always thank a driver if :

They slowed down or stop
Turned the radio down
Or passed wide
Turned the siren off. ( police ambulance etc )
Turned machinery off. (Lawn mower hedge cutter etc )

It is comon courtesy

I either nod or raise my hand, it is no different than thanking a car who waves you on or lets you go.

As per my quote:
{ It cost nothing to say thankyou to a car
It could cost the life of your horse if you don't}


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Why should people thank someone for not running into their horse?

To make it less likely they will run into mine.

If you don't do it already, please start.


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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I neither had any hi vis on either horse or rider.

It was not obvious as to whether either rider had heard the vehicles approaching, both the car in front and ourselves passed wide and slow. Not once did either rider smile, or acknowledge the car drivers. The horses did not appear to be misbehaving, a thank you would not have gone amiss. But imagine my surprise as we drove past and I noticed one of the girls texting on her mobile phone - loose reins, luckily her horse was well behaved.

Yes the horses appeared well behaved, but if the horse had spooked with the girl concentrating on her mobile phone I dread to think what could happened..

Hi Viz is so affordable, in fact it's cheap so why do so many riders not use it!

I also see so many riders either talking on their phones or texting & are oblivious to everything going on around them. It's illegal for car drivers to do this, why do some riders think it's acceptable for them to do it. ;(


Well-Known Member
11 April 2011
I live in Kent
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I think that it is down to common manners. Why should I thank someone for not killing me.......because it was nice they didn't and they could. If we all just took a bit of time to be nicer to each other , rather then getting on our " high horses" ( pun intended) and assuming that we have rights without responsibilities then it would all work more smoothly. We have the right to be there but the responsibility to be in full control of our animal and paying attention. They have the right to be driving and the responsibility not to put other road users at risk. You ( General you) want them to slow down and make that effort and you can't even make an effort to smile, nod or wave a hand in their direction.....dear lord how stuck up is that. It's up to everyone to play their part and do their bit, no one is more important then the other. Just because someone else doesn't, shouldn't mean that you don't. By the way where I am must bikers do thank people for slowing down.


Well-Known Member
8 April 2015
East Lancashire
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IMO they should have offered a thank you whether it be a nod, smile or a wave. Yes it's a part of the Highway Code but we all know not everyone gives a toss about it, and like others have suggested if drivers are thanked for doing the right thing then they're more likely to do it in the future.

Not being thanked as a driver, or as a person doing something courteous for someone else really p's me off. So much so, if I am not offered a form of thanks I will call out something sarcastic, usually a 'you're welcome by the way' or something similar. I find myself doing it a lot. I'm a stickler for manners, but they cost nothing.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2012
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I thank every driver approaching me head on with a wave or head nod,even if they didn't slow down as much as id like. I don't thank people coming past from behind though not being rude i just think i should be looking where im going and i doubt people check their rear view to see if i thanked them.
I try to move over and let them past too but mypatience is wearing thin at the moment after ive had several people yell at me and a car overtake me slowly then stop in front of me blocking the road they were making gestures at me out the back window but as soon as i got close they drove off. I dont know why they did that it felt confrontational and it freaked me out.


Well-Known Member
18 January 2007
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Manners cost nothing. Where I ride the drivers are mostly lovely and I am conscious that I'm on the road for pleasure whereas they may be trying to get somewhere important. It takes nothing to wave and smile an acknowledgement and means that relations remain cordial. Our local Facebook roads policing page is full of comments about how polite the horse riders are (compared to cyclists who sadly don't seem to have the same good reputation). So when one of us lets the side down, it's even worse.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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I do thank everyone, some even get brilliant smile.

For some of them I still thank them, but mutter under my breath "Thank you for F all!"

At least they did not hit me I suppose.


Well-Known Member
29 September 2013
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I always thank drivers. If I don't, they will be less likely to be courteous to the next rider they meet.

Their are a lot of people who are of the mindset that horses shouldn't be on the road at all so I don't think it's too much trouble to raise a hand in thanks or give a nod and a smile.

Just because cyclists are mostly discourteous doesn't mean we should follow suit especially given how cyclists are universally loathed because of their lack of manners on the road.


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7 June 2007
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I will ride on end of buckle when out hacking, if just out for a nice time. Horse isn't phased by cars, if I hear something that I think he might react to coming toward us then I do pick up the reins. Nothing wrong with riding on the buckle, my horse just walks in a straight line no matter how much contact.
I will wave at cars who bothered to slow down, or to cyclists who shouted that they were behind, cars/lorries/cyclists that don't slow down get a more crude response depending on how close & fast they passed us. I'm not hard to see on the roads - I'm wearing hi vis on a massive horse that you can see even over the hedges.
When hacking on my own, I also ride in the middle of the lane to make sure that cars don't try and squeeze past us, when I hear them slowing I move horse over!
But I always thank the ones that slow down with a wave. They deserve to be acknowledged :)

I hate the packs of cyclists - they have no manners, no regard for anyone else on the road and don't appear to care how long they hold cars up or how close they pass to horses. If I hear a group of cyclists trying to pass us out hacking a bit too close or fast then I subtly move horse out a bit further and stick the dressage whip out a bit more, that slows them down :p


Well-Known Member
22 November 2006
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I always thank drivers. If I don't, they will be less likely to be courteous to the next rider they meet.

This, this, this!

I thank the driver because..
I'm grateful they have the consideration for the life of another human being and their animal. So many individuals seem to have a total disregard to others on the road- horses, riders, cyclists, pedestrians included.
If I didn't thank a driver, and they then went into the mindset of "ungrateful horsey snob", didn't slow down for the next rider they passed and something happened, I would be mortified.
I was brought up with manners and to be polite. The hand signal and nod to me means "Thanks for waiting, sorry I delayed your journey, have a nice day". If their window is open, they get a "thanks/cheers". I do the same if I am on my bike. If I can't release a hand from the rein, they get a big nod, smile and a "thank you!!". The majority of cyclists round here raise their fingers on the handlebar as a thanks too.

My horse and I wear hi viz because I'd like to be seen to allow people the opportunity to slow down earlier, and to minimise accidents.

While I understand that we shouldn't have to thank drivers, it takes all of about five seconds to say thank you, why would you not do so?!
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Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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As a road user, I would thank any other person who has had to amend their driving to accommodate me, whether it's letting me pull out of a junction or someone slowing down to pass me when I am riding. It is just good manners and creates a better impression of riders. So not all cyclists don't bother to thank drivers ..that just goes to perputuate the dislike most road users have for them, though most of the cyclists around here are road aware and polite. 2 wrongs don't make a right.


Well-Known Member
5 January 2012
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Loads of us use positive reinforcement to train our horses - thanking drivers who slow down/pass wide is just that - reinforcing the behaviour you want to see so that hopefully they'll give it again because your thanks/wave/smile has told them it was the right thing to do


Well-Known Member
4 May 2012
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I thank drivers if they alter their driving to accomodate me and my horse - usually just a nod, and if they can hear a loud 'thank-you', but if they dont go out of their way, ie they just pass normally, I dont thank them, no need, they havent done anything special. And I certainly dont thank them if they just speed past regardless of my horse.


3 May 2007
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I thank drivers, cyclists, speak nicely to dog walkers and random kids that run up to me-why on earth wouldn't I. I get that I don't *have* to but it costs nothing and better to have people well disposed towards horses and riders than not.


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11 February 2010
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I agree with MotherofChickens, we are ambassadors in a way. I luckily have no need to ride on roads but we always thank drivers who slow down for us as we cross the road and I always say "good morning/good afternoon) to other people using the ridgeway. The only ones who don't speak are the cyclists who come on their mountain bikes- but perhaps there is a reason for that