Well-Known Member
You might remember my post yesterday if you don't here its
Well My mum and I went down put the new fence up left them a good 1/4 of the field.
We had just finished the fence and were standing speaking to our horses when the owners turned up
they said nothing walked straight passed us and where not going to speack! so I politely said hello when are U going to do something about your pony. To which we both got called a heap of names and called liars
It all got out of hand with the husband shouting,my mum was trying A to calm him down B to stand up for us. By this point I told him to shut up one minute
and that therewas one way and one way only to solve the problem. Put the pony in the 1/4 we had fenced off and that way our horses or us would have nothing to do with one other more abuse came
Anyway it all got a bit heated and my mum walked away. I said to them That I did not want they're pony in our part of the field to which they said that they couldn't keep it in so put up with it!
Got home last night I was really upset that people we've meet
twice could attack like that
Went down this morning to put our horses out and their was the pony standing on the wrong side of the fence in winter gazing with my fence in bits
Really don't know what to do now
Sorry its long again, The replies I got on here yesterday really made my feel better about horsey people and reminded me why you lot are the best thanks
Well My mum and I went down put the new fence up left them a good 1/4 of the field.
We had just finished the fence and were standing speaking to our horses when the owners turned up
Anyway it all got a bit heated and my mum walked away. I said to them That I did not want they're pony in our part of the field to which they said that they couldn't keep it in so put up with it!
Got home last night I was really upset that people we've meet
twice could attack like that
Really don't know what to do now
Sorry its long again, The replies I got on here yesterday really made my feel better about horsey people and reminded me why you lot are the best thanks