A wee update after yesterday


Well-Known Member
21 July 2006
Moray NE Scotland
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You might remember my post yesterday if you don't here its


Well My mum and I went down put the new fence up left them a good 1/4 of the field.
We had just finished the fence and were standing speaking to our horses when the owners turned up
they said nothing walked straight passed us and where not going to speack! so I politely said hello when are U going to do something about your pony. To which we both got called a heap of names and called liars
It all got out of hand with the husband shouting,my mum was trying A to calm him down B to stand up for us. By this point I told him to shut up one minute
and that therewas one way and one way only to solve the problem. Put the pony in the 1/4 we had fenced off and that way our horses or us would have nothing to do with one other more abuse came

Anyway it all got a bit heated and my mum walked away. I said to them That I did not want they're pony in our part of the field to which they said that they couldn't keep it in so put up with it!

Got home last night I was really upset that people we've meet
twice could attack like that
Went down this morning to put our horses out and their was the pony standing on the wrong side of the fence in winter gazing with my fence in bits

Really don't know what to do now

Sorry its long again, The replies I got on here yesterday really made my feel better about horsey people and reminded me why you lot are the best thanks


Well-Known Member
13 November 2005
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Would he feel the same way if you said that you were giving him a months notice...... would he really want to risk three lots of livery (long term livery at that) for one trouble maker????


Well-Known Member
27 June 2008
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what type of fencing did you use??? if electric was it the thick tape stuff? was it definatley working?
unfortunately i had a similar experience with some petty ladies who thought they were the best, except i was the newbie!!!
one day i went to my paddock to find my horse electric fenced into one corner with only enough room to stand! that was over 12 years ago and i was only young....boy would they get it now!!!! i moved quick .
in your situation reasonable talking doesn't seem to be working, nor the land owner ( charming), so a few questions.....
what is the set up like.....filed size. shelter, stables etc.
would it be possible to ask the other owner to divide the paddock as the horses don't seem to be getting on etc etc and which bit would they like???
if you play it right (nicely, nicely) and not on the "attack" ( as they see it) you may be able to come to some sort of agreement.
however, i tried this and it got me nowhere!!! so i can fully sympathise.
how many horses do you have, what is the rent?? if you said to land owner that its really not working and you're thinking of going....would he not think about the financial aspect of who pays more...and been good tenants. as a last resort.
or try some different fencing that is maybe more robust and human tamper free..... sounds like they may be trying to sabotage your attempts.( or am i being judgmental)
just keep your calm!!! and try different angles of approach.


Well-Known Member
27 June 2008
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oh bottom!!!!!
my very long ago land owner was like that.... really pathetic.
well, all i can suggest is to re-try seperating the horses/ponies so that none get hurt. try a more permanent fencing--maybe posts and wire........don't shoot me... thinking finances, and it's not your field! or mains electric fencing.
OR move. have the gratification that he is down all that livery.... and no... you're not easy to replace once a difficult person is in there...ruins it for everyone.
i left and eventually found a fantastic place......in fact after a 7 year brake from horses, bought a new horse and went straight back there. never regretted it.
but obviously you were there first..... can only try so much. try a letter maybe to tghe ponies owner....written words don't have so much emotion.


Well-Known Member
21 July 2006
Moray NE Scotland
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Yes it its electric fencing with normal size posts with 2 lines of tape on the top 2 holes and yes it was working and it still get through and leaves the fence in bits

Our field is 4 acres with 4 horses( well 2 horses and 2 pony's) in it, 3 of which are ours the big 2 and a Shetland that only gets out for a few hours a day.
We have 5 stables up the road well let from the same farmer. the pony's owner have no stable their only a grass DIY livery.
Yes your right about the sabotage I think they've been playing with our fence as well as the pony

I did think about the big electric fence post you get 5ft? with 3 tapes on it but its going through electric as it is so don't know if that will work. That will have to wait to pay day(next Friday) as I've had to pay to take our hay home 4 wks early as we're having to take our horses in to give them peace(our 3).

Yesterday i really was trying to take feelings out of it and be calm but its hard when your getting that much abuse at you and have done nothing wrong!


Well-Known Member
27 June 2008
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what about putting in wooden posts and wire or the really thick electric fencing tape that is about 3 " thick and looks more like a rail....alot stronger. ( don't know how much wooden posts would cost though!!
would be cheaper if you did it yourself, but a hell of alot of work)
sounds like you're in a bit of a situation......... sorry not much help...but thinking of you!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
21 July 2006
Moray NE Scotland
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Thanks you've been great
mum's been saying about wooden posts will look it to how much tomorrow. Although a bit of me thinks way should we pay out to fence their pony in! but we'll see what i find out tomorrow about cost.

Thanks again everyone.


Well-Known Member
27 June 2008
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if you do it yourself( which will be hard work, but worth it)
it will be a hell of a lot cheaper. try timber merchants , and see if you can haggle for discount-worth asking.
look at it...not to keep their pony in, but to keep yours safe.
if you want to stay there...a long term investment. but worth checking with land owner that if you did this and paid for it etc would he support you in that being your paddock and the other one for the other pony. as i can see the other owner deciding to put his pony into your side just to be awkward!!!!
no point in paying out for it if no one is going to play by the rules...
let me know how it goes...pm me