Well-Known Member
Thank you, the redness is where the shoe would sit, along one side where the nail holes are. I mean underneath, not on the side where the nail heads come out She seemed so much better today, gimpy on the hard rutted ground near the gate but she would be like that with no shoe anyway. Shes definitely not sound but nothing like she was and is turning much better. Im wishfully thinking its bruising now, she has typical TB feet, low heels, low soles, cant keep her shoes on if shod long behind as being so short coupled and leggy she pulls them for fun, wheres two pairs of overreach boots in a bid to keep them on, so we have to compromise and go a bit inbetween.I had a horse years ago who overreached and split the back of his hoof, creating a lovely environment for bacteria to dig in. He was lame for weeks until it grew out. When he came in, I honestly thought he’d broken his leg he was that sore. Edited to add: there was never any pus though,just disgusting smelling black gunge that I washed out with hydrogen peroxide (in between dry heaving).
The redness is interesting - with bruising, my vet has always recommended a hot kaolin poultice at the site of the bruise to disperse it. I can’t visualise where you say the redness is with your girlie, but is it in an area of the hoof you could try that?
Really hope you get some stinky pus soon xx
Any pus will be party time lol xx