Acavallo seat saver - any good?


Well-Known Member
19 January 2022
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Hi everyone, just wondering has anyone tried the Acavallo Seat Savers? I’ve been looking into buying one as sometimes I get back pain but there aren’t many reviews out there on them so just wanted to see what peoples thoughts on them are? And if there’s much of a difference in feeing between the regular 10mm ones and the ortho 20mm version. Thanks! :)


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25 August 2010
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I have a gel out one but I don't activate the sticky on it and I really love it, I only bought it because my show saddle was so slippery I felt like I was going to slide of it but it's really comfortable I am thinking of getting another one for my other horses saddle.

You do often see 2nd hand ones on ebay I actually bought mine from someone on here.


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20 September 2009
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I’ve got a brown one that fits my 17” Equipe. I bought it as had lower back pain but only used it a couple of times as back was sorted out my chiropractor ? I need to sell mine as it’s sat in my wardrobe!


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2 November 2013
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I have the regular gel out ones on both saddles as I have back and hip problems. I rode without one today and it made my 16 inch saddle more comfortable but I then swapped to my other horse and it felt lovely on his 17 inch saddle.

I would suggest trying to borrow one to see if you get on with it before buying.


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16 October 2018
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I have gel in 20mm pubis ones and love them. There def is a difference between 20mm and 10mm in feeling.
You do need enough space in your saddle though otherwise you can feel perched with the 20mm ones. Large fits a 17.5 saddle. The medium is quite small IMO.


Well-Known Member
19 January 2022
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I’ve got a brown one that fits my 17” Equipe. I bought it as had lower back pain but only used it a couple of times as back was sorted out my chiropractor ? I need to sell mine as it’s sat in my wardrobe!
My saddle is 17” too what size did you get yours? If I’m going off the size guide it seems I’d need a medium but just double checking!


Well-Known Member
19 January 2022
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I have a gel out one but I don't activate the sticky on it and I really love it, I only bought it because my show saddle was so slippery I felt like I was going to slide of it but it's really comfortable I am thinking of getting another one for my other horses saddle.

You do often see 2nd hand ones on ebay I actually bought mine from someone on here.
I’ll definitely keep an eye out on eBay and Facebook! I don’t mind buying new either because £80/£90 is a lot more appealing to me than a new saddle ?


Well-Known Member
19 January 2022
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I have gel in 20mm pubis ones and love them. There def is a difference between 20mm and 10mm in feeling.
You do need enough space in your saddle though otherwise you can feel perched with the 20mm ones. Large fits a 17.5 saddle. The medium is quite small IMO.
Do you find the gel in slippery or anything? I’m not sure if I want gel in or out because I jump quite often so I don’t know if the gel out will be too sticky for getting in and out of the saddle all the time, so I was thinking more of the gel in!


Well-Known Member
19 January 2022
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I have 3 gel outs, on all my saddles. Couldn’t ride without them due to my coccyx problem. They are very sticky to start with!
I suffer a lot with lower back pain and coccyx pain too. I jump quite often which can obviously worsen my back pain so I’m really considering them! What little I could find about them has seemed very positive with regards to the back pain aspect of things!


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15 March 2016
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I've ridden (and jumped) a friends horse in a gel out. They're not too sticky but I didn't love it. My friend feels it gives her a bit of extra security when needed. They're definitely comfortable, I think the gel in might suit me better. I felt secure but not stuck to the seat saver but a bit like I'd not got the contact with the saddle I'd like. The gel in would presumably sit more securely against the saddle and for me the suede would be enough grip.
However I know gel in have marked saddle seats- you can see little dots where it's stuck - so it depends how precious you are about your saddle.


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18 August 2021
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I have a gel in one on my jumping saddle. I do find it very comfortable, it's not slippery and it's good for my back. If your buying second hand, don't be worried if the straps on the side have been cut off. I did this on mine and its still secure and they can cause a dent in the flocking of the saddle which is not good for your horse.


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30 January 2017
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I have gel outs on both my saddles, which I initially bought because I hack long distances in a Wintec and I would probably have callouses on my backside by now without it! I like them a lot, although I would say the opposite of the previous poster about the straps - I have one that's had the straps cut off and it just will not stay put. Going to have to reinstate them with my sewing machine. I don't push the straps under the gullet, I shove them under the flap, sort of behind where the stirrup bars go (sorry - the world's least technical description there). Works well and means no risk of damaging flocking.


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14 September 2011
I would look instead at Thinline or Block the Shock, proven tech for absorbing shock. The straps on the Acavallo ones should NOT be used wrapped round the panels but should be inserted between the flaps or cut off. They're generally not needed and dent flocked panels.


Well-Known Member
19 January 2022
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I've ridden (and jumped) a friends horse in a gel out. They're not too sticky but I didn't love it. My friend feels it gives her a bit of extra security when needed. They're definitely comfortable, I think the gel in might suit me better. I felt secure but not stuck to the seat saver but a bit like I'd not got the contact with the saddle I'd like. The gel in would presumably sit more securely against the saddle and for me the suede would be enough grip.
However I know gel in have marked saddle seats- you can see little dots where it's stuck - so it depends how precious you are about your saddle.

i can see where you’re coming from - I have good balance and my horse doesn’t spook very often so I can’t see a personal need for the gel out so definitely thinking a good bit about gel in. Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
29 October 2008
West Mids
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Hi everyone, just wondering has anyone tried the Acavallo Seat Savers? I’ve been looking into buying one as sometimes I get back pain but there aren’t many reviews out there on them so just wanted to see what peoples thoughts on them are? And if there’s much of a difference in feeing between the regular 10mm ones and the ortho 20mm version. Thanks! :)
Yep I've had two, the one wore away due to my seat bone digging into it and creating a hole! But that was after owning it for nearly 5 years and riding every day in it.


They are comfy - the material is the same material used in wheelchair seats which has to be extra comfy for wheelchair users given the amount of time they sit in one.


When new they have a very good 'sticky bum' type of feeling so you feel secure in the saddle.


I did find that after a while the 'crumpet/pikelet' texture did go a bit weird, I think the material started to disintegrate.

With certain jodhpurs (may be the cheapy type I usually buy) the thigh/crotch area reacted to the material on the seat saver and caused it to rub and create holes in the material. My horse had a very weird action due to all her issues so it may have been exacerbated by this movement.

Fairly expensive (but the Horsehealth stand at YHL sell seconds which are about £25 if you get there quickly - that's where I got mine from)

Sir barnaby

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13 June 2016
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I find them brilliant I bought two so I didn’t have to keep changing it over onto each of my saddles I bought the gel in type and have had no problems in the last 3 years since I bought them, used 3/4 times a week on long hacks. Sits me securely in the saddle and even feels fine when I have my sticky bum breeches on. Definitely recommend them I use large on 17 half pro event saddle


Well-Known Member
16 October 2018
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Do you find the gel in slippery or anything? I’m not sure if I want gel in or out because I jump quite often so I don’t know if the gel out will be too sticky for getting in and out of the saddle all the time, so I was thinking more of the gel in!
Gel in is not slippy at all. I didn't like the feel of gel out. But I don't like sticky breeches either. You would definitely need a large.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Hi everyone, just wondering has anyone tried the Acavallo Seat Savers? I’ve been looking into buying one as sometimes I get back pain but there aren’t many reviews out there on them so just wanted to see what peoples thoughts on them are? And if there’s much of a difference in feeing between the regular 10mm ones and the ortho 20mm version. Thanks! :)
they are good, the only thing when you taken them off its very tight once pushed in under the channel.


Well-Known Member
19 January 2022
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Yep I've had two, the one wore away due to my seat bone digging into it and creating a hole! But that was after owning it for nearly 5 years and riding every day in it.


They are comfy - the material is the same material used in wheelchair seats which has to be extra comfy for wheelchair users given the amount of time they sit in one.


When new they have a very good 'sticky bum' type of feeling so you feel secure in the saddle.


I did find that after a while the 'crumpet/pikelet' texture did go a bit weird, I think the material started to disintegrate.

With certain jodhpurs (may be the cheapy type I usually buy) the thigh/crotch area reacted to the material on the seat saver and caused it to rub and create holes in the material. My horse had a very weird action due to all her issues so it may have been exacerbated by this movement.

Fairly expensive (but the Horsehealth stand at YHL sell seconds which are about £25 if you get there quickly - that's where I got mine from)

thanks a mil I appreciate that! I think I might go for gel in, was it the gel out that you found the texture went a bit weird on you?


Well-Known Member
19 January 2022
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I have the gel in, I love it for my sore lower back. I had a another horse out without it and wasn’t a fan

have you got the ortho one or just the regular? I have lower back pain too and wondering if it’s worth the extra few pounds for the ortho-coccyx or just to go for the regular gel in!


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17 February 2012
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I’ve got a super wide horse with a very long and bouncy stride and I’ve always had trouble keeping my position riding him as I’m quite petite. I always ended up in pain during and after riding him too. I’ve been told by a few I reminded them of this …

I got the gel out coccyx one in October after a coccyx fracture and I absolutely love it. I also just recently bought a pair of Flex on stirrups. The combination of the two has not only helped me feel so much more secure, but happy days as no more aching hips, ankles or lower back pain. I’m so much more comfortable and relaxed in the saddle now. No more wriggling about in my seat, losing my stirrups or being bounced out of the saddle. My horse seems to agree as he was always unpredictable, napping and tense and a nervous handful to ride. It might be a coincidence but he’s now super chilled and finally a joy to ride. It was certainly worth the investment in my case.


Well-Known Member
8 April 2019
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I bought the 20 mm ortho pubis gel out one to try to take off pressure from my pelvis when I was pregnant and had severe SPD/PGP. It didn’t do much, tbh. But maybe my problem wasn’t one it could actually help with. It did feel nice to sit on, though, and I quite liked the stickyness as I have a big mover.

Also I bought a size L for my 17 Equipe Emporio, should have gone for size M instead. It was a little bit too big.

I sold it recently. I might buy a normal one in a size M for the stickyness.