ACL post surgery supplements for Yorkshire terrier


Well-Known Member
7 December 2010
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My 6 year old Yorkshire terrier did a complete tear of her ACL requiring "closing wedge levelling osteotomy".

She is not the most active dog so I'm not overly worried about her recovery she is not caged and keeping herself to her bed and we carry her outside for toilet breaks.

We have a strict post surgery instruction pamphlet to follow including a return to exercise plan. This is in conjunction to three vet checks within a month and at one month post surgery she has to have an xray to assess bone healing

My concern is the vet mentioned supplementation as arthritis is a risk going forward (she was already at risk as she broke her toe when just a puppy).
It's a mine field of supplements the one the vet recommended was a food based but as we have two dogs I worry they won't get the required amount. Also its shockingly expensive for 2!!

Can I get some suggestions on what is best or if there is any cheaper alternatives.
As she is only 6 and most yorkies I know live well into their teens