Advertising for someone to ride your horse advice please?


Well-Known Member
6 September 2006
South Africa
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Im thinking about advertising someone to ride my mare, and Im wondering what I should put in the ad so I attract the right kind of person.

I tried it a few months ago and I got parents of 14yr olds ringing, who couldnt even ride!

I also only want them riding with me present, so I know my mare is safe at all times, and I have another horse too that I can hack out with so we can go together.

There are no yard duties or anything and riding would be pretty much unlimited, every day would be fine.

So what Im wondering is how much of a contribution could I reasonably ask for, and does anyone have any tips on how to find the right type of person!



Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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advertise it as over 16's / 18's only. Put in that she's not a novice ride. That should put off any kids.
I would wait until you know how many days they will be riding and sort out contributions from there. But TBH if they are doing YOU a favour by exercising her then it's a bit cheky to expect them to pay you.


Well-Known Member
24 August 2005
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Word of mouth tends to be the best in these situations. Perhaps go to local riding school and see if instructors know of anyone? Advertise for someone experienced, NO novices. Good Luck! x


Well-Known Member
21 July 2005
Malton, N yorkshire
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I would say in your advert that you want someone experienced over the age of 16/18.

As for contribution. Add up your weekly expenses and divide them by the number of days you want them to ride.


Well-Known Member
6 September 2006
South Africa
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Kate I wouldnt have thought it was cheeky to ask for a contribtion towards costs when they can ride a horse everyday and the cheapest price for an hours hack in our area is £20 an hour.
also they arent really doing me a favour, I could ride them both myself but I thought it would be nice to give someone the opportunity and also nice to hack out in company.

Ive seen loads of threads for people charging up to £150 a month for people to ride their horses, and while there is no way I would charge that I do think its fair to expect a contribution when they can ride her every day for hours if they want.

Thanks everyone yes i never thought of riding schools, thought they might say no incase they lose a paying customer ha ha.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2004
asking for a contribution towards keep and shoeing is not a bad thing. Like you said you are offering unlimited riding to the right person.
Advertise for a lovely opportunity for the right person, dedicated riding companion needed to ride your other horse and join you on hacks ect, they need to contribute towards shoeing ect. Must be over 18 (or mature) and experienced/confident and sensible. describe the hacking and possibility to maybe go to local shows? if that is an option. great opportunity to ride, no mucking out or yard work, please no time wasters. for more details phone........
Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
6 September 2006
South Africa
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Thanks Dawn that is super!!!!

Mind if I steal it ha ha?!

Sure shows, in hand, sponsored rides, hunter trials, I want the person and my mare to enjoy themselves.

My mare is insured and it covers other people riding her, but would you advise a clause whereby if she is injured while they are riding they have to pay for the vet costs, afterall I dont want my premiums going up and up.


Well-Known Member
6 September 2006
South Africa
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Thank you, it will be lovely not having to hack out alone during the day!
Hoping to find a stay at home mum type who has time off during the day as this is when I like to ride.


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
muddy bit!!!
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It can be a minefield, if you want money for sharing i would strong advise contract. Also i would also strongly advice that they must have personnel insurance - just in case. You can't be too carefull
I would only say, if you getting money your new sharer may want a opinion on your horse routine etc.... be clear at being about want you want them for.
I had people ride my horses, but i didn't want money, but for riding they did stable duties. And they were only allowed to ride if insuranced.
When getting people to view i would suggest don't let them ride first visit, see how keen they are. See if your horses like the person. See how they walk around horses etc...
Then on second visit let them ride. I think realiablitly is more important with people, that dosh -IMO.
Be honest with yourself, ask yourself can you watch someone else ride you pride and joy???? Do they have the same standards on horse as you?????
lots to think about - good luck


Well-Known Member
6 September 2006
South Africa
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Thanks Kick-on, lots to think about!

I would be fine with someone riding her because I would be there to make sure my baby was ok.

If there were any stable duties I would have asked for them to be done instead of money, but there are one as all the horses live out.

My mare lets someone know if she likes them or not straight away, basically she wont even listen or respond to anyone she doesnt like, knows her own mind LOL. I know she will have as much say in the decision as I do.

I will write out some terms etc that I would want and make up some kind of contract, I want to make it crystal clear that they are not loaning or sharing my horse and are purely riding.


Well-Known Member
11 May 2006
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I wrote a very honest and frank advert when i advertised for someone to help exercise and stated adults only! My horse is very difficult so i made sure this was clear on the advert. My loan pays just shy of £200 per month but we are on a very nice full livery yard which we both benefit from so dont feel bad about asking for a reasonable amount of money. At the end of the day they get a great deal, riding with no real responsibility!!


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
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Hmm I could really use someone to help me exercise

However again on my timetable so have ended up paying someone £7 per hour to ride.

Can you actually get someone to ride, that you aren't in effect giving a riding lesson to?

Also if you expect them to pay, I think they would want to compete / ride on their timetable.

I do have someone that is desperate to ride, but a complete beginner, so I don't have time / energy to teach them (plus I hate teaching).


Well-Known Member
10 October 2005
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I recently advertised for someone to hack Marius out, as he is too much of a handful for me, and my No 3 daughter doesn't come much any more.
I put the advert in FreeAds, and said something like: Competent reliable person wanted to hack and school 15.2 gelding. Hours/days by arrangement.

I put how big he is and that I wanted someone competent and reliable.
The rest I left until they phoned. In the event, the second person to phone and come and see him has proved absolutely ideal. She is not phased by his antics, comes at least once a week when she says she will, is popular with other people at my yard so often has people to ride out with, and most important, Marius likes her and trusts her.
I don't want any money, though; it is so my horse gets a change of scene and some excitement, so I don't have anything in writing. If you want a contribution, it becomes more of a share I think, so you would need a contract.
I have found Freeads to be the best place to advertise.
Sorry about the essay.


Well-Known Member
6 September 2006
South Africa
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Thanks for the info!

Before I had my own horses I used to ride at a local riding school and paid £10 for an hours hack, just following the group around, its now abour £16 an hour, and that is cheap it seems.

I was thinking of asking for £20 a week and that would be riding every day if desired, and no stable duties. Of course if it was the right persona nd they wanted to ride less I would reduce that.

i will do a contract and I definitely only want an adult, she is not a nivice ride and will completely take the pee with someone who is novice or nervous.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2006
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Also can I suggest when you start to receive your replies - take full names and addresses. Make it clear [politely] that it's about getting the right person and that you'll be seeing a few people before you decide. It's Like buying a horse - don't go for the first one you see!

When you pick a short list - try and go visit the people at home before they come to your yard - lots of horse/tack thieves around - there's little you can do but if you can visit it may at least tell you if they are 'real' people with a permanent address.

Also when you get someone and decide on contribution - arrange a month's trial and get the money up front. Fly by nights who disappear after a week are all too common - at least if you have a month in advance they'll be less likely to muck about and more likely to be the committed type.


Well-Known Member
15 February 2006
wales somewhere!!!
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. It's Like buying a horse - don't go for the first one you see!

[/ QUOTE ]

lol-my pony was the first one i saw when i was looking and ive now had him 8 years and he's turned out to be absolutley perfect for me!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
6 September 2006
South Africa
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Thank you tuscany that is brilliant advice, I never would have thought of that, Im far too trusting!
I will definitely do what you recommended, afterall if they are genuine they wont mind.

Cascadegrey sorry Im in the north east!