Advertising with H&H


Well-Known Member
23 January 2006
Just wondered how many people on here have advertised with H&H and what sort of response they have had? I have spent over £200 with H&H in under a year, and from those ads not had a single phonecall, not one! One two occasions the ad has been placed in the wrong section of the magazine, despite me phoning and being assured that it would appear in the correct section. Once the wording has been completely re-written, and missed out vital info. I have asked friends and horsey professionals with regards to price and wording before submitting ads, and all have agreed that they were well worded and a fair price. I have subsequently managed to sell two of those horses for the same price as advertised after advertising locally.

I just wondered what other peoples experience of H&H is. I have just submitted another advert to them, have slashed the price of the horse to half what she is really worth in an effort to get a quick sale. We'll see if I get any phonecalls from this one...


Well-Known Member
18 June 2005
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Hmm - must depend what you are selling. My mother has advertised a number of Sec. B youngsters on H & H - that have previously been in Horsedeals and on Horsequest with no luck -once on H&H the phone never stopped and she sold all of those advertised and more (she breeds Bs).
She swears by H & H for selling.


Well-Known Member
15 June 2007
Enfield, North london
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I agree that there not very helpful for selling, especially for being so expensive, on the two occasions i have used them they have made mistakes, the first was they put the wrong phone number on the add nd it was nothing like my number rather than being just 1 digget wrong, and the other they put dapple grey 10 year old mare, when i was selling a 7 year old flea bitten grey gelding!!


Well-Known Member
26 April 2006
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I've had two varying ad responses.

Firstly, I sold my husband's hunter and advertised him in H&H and horsequest. He was competitively priced because we were keen to get him sold and move on. From the horsequest ad we had countless calls and viewings booked in and he sold to the first person that tried him. We didn't have a single call from H&H

Secondly, I sold my eventer and advertised him in H&H and horsequest. Because a friend sold him for me and therefore fielded the calls it was tricky to know exactly where the response was predominantly coming from although it seemed to tie in, timing wise, with the H&H ads more than the horsequest. Again he sold quickly.

Perhaps it's a case of horses for courses - the first horse was a 13 yr old seasoned hunter who'd fieldmastered with us for a season and he was advertised at £4500. The second horse was an 8yr old 1* eventer ready to go intermediate with scope to go up the ladder and he was advertised at £18k


Well-Known Member
7 May 2008
I advertised my yearling in H&H last week. I've had one phonecall.

Ad was placed in wrong section though they have now agreed to run it again in the right section free of charge next week so will see if that makes a difference.


Well-Known Member
6 June 2007
Nr Newmarket
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We're also putting on adverts at the moment for 2 foals and a yearling for sale (Riding Horses/Sport Horses) - and having put them today on a couple of free websites, am just about to email the advert through to H&H classified department. Do what I do though, insist they email or fax me through a draft copy for me to proof myself. I have always had to correct them on something, either wrong size, wrong price, etc. Annoying when the whole information is typed and submitted to them via email not via the internet option - which I find always go wrong.

I always state in my emails to them as well, what section I want my ads to go in, and if they appear in the wrong section, want the advert re-printed the following week in the right section.

Get on good talking terms with whoever you're speaking to at the other end of the phone, and you can negoitate a price, at least - I have been able to!

If any of you get any calls after you've sold yours, then do please pass them our way. They are all TBs but not nutty in the least (Zoeshiloh will vouch for this) and all have been bred to show and compete. Like Zoe, we've had to offer ours at half the price we usually sell them for.