Advice for Manege Planning drawings - an planners?


Well-Known Member
27 April 2009
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I am applying for planning for a manege on our paddocks. We have 10 acres away from the house in a private lane. I previously applied successfully for our manege planning at home and did the drawings myself; it was really straightforward.
I seem to have messed up with this application by submitting 1:250 scale drawings as the site plan with the manege drawn on them. The planners were unimpressed stating my scaling as being inaccurate and that I should remove the manege from those site plans altogether or correct them and submit a 1:500 plan including the exact location and scaled drawing of the manege. That makes sense to me and should be easy to rectify - I have applied for a 1:500 plan from Ordnance survey just now.

The other thing stated in their rejection of my application letter and the bit I do not fully understand was the following request:

Please provide appropriately scaled plans (1:100 or 1:50) showing an elevation of the proposed Fence.

Can anybody advise on this one please? I provided a scaled drawing of the proposed lighting, but 3 rail post and rail fencing seems an odd request for a drawing thereof.


Well-Known Member
5 May 2008
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My partner is an architect and he says ......
You need plans and elevations of the fence at 1:50 or 1:100 scale
A block plan which shows the boundaries of the field/plot it is located in
A location plan at 1:1250 scale showing the location of the property with 2 named roads shown. If this is too small the location plan can be at 1:2500 scale

You may also need....... A design and access statement depending on which planning authority you are in

Hope this helps

Angus' yard

Well-Known Member
28 December 2012
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I'm in Essex too. If you would like to pm me, I'll send you the details of our planning application for stables and manège that were recently passed, so you can see what we had to do.


Well-Known Member
27 April 2009
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Thanks jojo5 - it's the plans and elevations of the fence that has me puzzled. I never did this when we sublmitted for planning for our manege at home, hence I am not familiar with this.

Thanks for your very kind offer Angus' yard I have pm'd you.