Advice on mites please x


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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Had the vet to my lad yesterday and was told that his itchy skin was due to mites. I feel terrible about it-poor boy. The vet injected him and gave me some wash which I did last night as it was still quite warm.

He is still very itchy- does anyone know of anything else I could use to either get rid of them or to sooth the itching and resulting sore patches?

Any help very gratefully received! x


Well-Known Member
1 May 2007
Deepest Wales
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Did the vet say mites as in feather mites that live in the feathers of hairy horses? Or did s/he mean lice, commonly found anywhere on the horse's body? For feather mites, the dectomax injection works wonders but you MUST have the vet back out in 10 - 14 days to give a 2nd injection as the 1st one doesn't kill the eggs. So the eggs hatch out after 10 - 14 days and bingo, your horse is infested all over again. Also, feather mites can drop off into the bedding so re-infestation is very common. The dectomax can work out expensive because you need the vet out twice but Frontline Spray (dog strength) is equally as good providing you can rub it deep enough into the feathers so that it reaches the skin. Again, you have to repeat 10 - 14 days afterwards. If it's lice, then Frontline works wonders here too but you have to be careful not to spray into the horse's face, sensitive areas etc. And again, repeat after 10 - 14 days. If it's lice, you will also need to wash all rugs, numnahs and grooming kit in an insecticidal shampoo as lice can live in these items.


Well-Known Member
2 August 2010
gods own county
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Deosect is also actually licensed for equine use which dog frontline is not! you need to be very acurate with mixing rates and also note you MUST NOT use it if your horses passport has not been signed is not intended for human consumption. It is cypermethrin not just a lice powder type chemical also you need to repeat it after 14 days But if applied correctly it does work make sure you get it right down to the skin


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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If it's lice deosect will work but it is not licensed for treating mites (so probably is not that effective). Frontline spray is not licensed for treating horses and you would need to get a vet prescrition to use it (but as already mentioned you'd have difficult getting it to penetrate / cover enough of the body if not in the feathers). Although not a prescription medicine Seelen shampoo has had good reports for treating feather mange in horses.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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Just got in from work and read your replies- thank you very much everyone!

Box_of_Frogs, the vet said mites but he is itchy on his body as well as his legs so may be lice.....
Have got aqueus cream already so will use on the sores, thanks K27!

Will go 'tinternet searching for your suggestions. Thanks again! xx


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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Umm, if he's itchy on his body as well ....... the thing that springs to mind is has he got sweet itch? Perhaps he's moved fields/locations? Perhaps developed an allergy to the cullicoides midge?

Sorry, just thinking a bit laterally.

Hi! That was my first thought too, and I'd been treating him with sweet itch stuff for a few weeks with no success, so eventually asked the vet to look at him. He has been much worse lately, and there have been lots of midges around so it'd make sense in that respect.........

Thanks for your reply! :)


Well-Known Member
29 May 2010
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I presume the vet has done a test for leg mites. Anyway sounds like you are doing everything correctly. When you have this under control you can use the pig oil and sulphur. What this does is it add moisture to the legs (it does not kill the mites). Mites live off dead flakey skin and this mixture puts the moisture back into the skin so its not flakey. Also dont use pig oil and sulphur every week as it is quite irriating. you can get pig oil on its own to use in the inbetween weeks so you only use the sulphur every other week.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2009
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2 dextomax injections will sort out any mite problems 2 weeks apart. bonus you wont need to worm for the next 12 weeks! would also advise a good waSH IN SELEEN available from chemists, use the 2.5% one. cheaper on the internet!. good luck.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2009
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would also advise to clip the legs off and shampoo in seleen. you might find this an annual problem, so if the dextomax works i would advise the same progamme spring and autumn, keeping the problem away.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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Thank you :)

Kaylum- The vet didn't do any tests just examined him and said it was mites?? Ideally, would they need to take a skin sample or something? Have seen pig oil and sulphur on ebay- think its good for mud fever too?

Ofcourseyoucan- will look out for seleen at the chemist. Fear it may be an anual problem!