Advice on selling pony

10 July 2020
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I have a pony and currently go to the full livery yard he’s on twice a week. I have been out of school for a couple of years but am starting again in January. Stan, being some kind of native, is prone to lami and is a very good doer. In January I’d only be able to go to exercise him once a week, but ideally he’d be exercised 3-6 days a week.
I’m beginning to get tall for him and wondering if it would be best to sell him in Jan and buy another bigger horse when I have time for it.
He’s 6 and has reared/kicked before. He is extremely forward but can walk/trot/canter/jump under saddle with a calm, confident rider.
Please give advice


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10 December 2008
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What you describe doesn't sound ideal for you but his care isn't compromised if he's on full livery so it's not essential that you sell him in terms of his wellbeing. It's just as expensive to keep a horse you don't ride as one you do though so if he's getting small for you and you don't have enough time to ride it might be best to find him a new home.

If you do choose to sell him, maybe a well chosen sales livery would be best as you obviously don't have time to deal with buyers or get him in enough work to show him off to his full potential. As he's on full livery anyway it shouldn't be that much more expensive. You will need to be honest about his behaviour in the past. When you say he's reared and kicked do you mean once or more regularly?
10 July 2020
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Thank you
I think we’d have time for buyers as can just say to them to come on the weekend- it’s just I won’t have time to exercise him as much as I should.

He’s kicked maybe four times, but all when he was in pain or very scared. Same with rearing.