Advice on taking on a horse with uveitis


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3 April 2008
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Probably, it is the worst pain I have ever experienced, and even when your treating it and its getting better your vision is affected for ages. I don't know if its the same with horses but I was told I would get cataracts it was just a case of when. I've got permanent damage from it as well and my vision is affected going from light to dark etc. If I was a horse I'd find it very frightening I think.
I think it was you. I think you put me at peace with my decision.
It’s hard to pts a young horse with a fabulous potential future. I struggled with what I’d done until speaking to someone who could put the feeling into words


Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
22 July 2005
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The problem is that uveitis is banded under a lot of brackets. Essentially it’s an immune response as the eye is on a separate immune system to the body. The body will often attack the eye (trauma, irritation, leptospirosis, allergy etc) and this is why uveitis is tricky to treat.
Not sure where you are based but there is an outstanding eye clinic in Gloucestershire and the lead eye vet does travel round so might be worth spending some money and having a discussion with the clinic about risk. After all you might spend £200 for an opinion and be told it’s very low risk and get a great horse. You might spend £200 and save a lot of heartache.