Advice Please re keeping my horse calm at a big spooky show!


Well-Known Member
21 April 2008
Cheshire, UK
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Just wanted to ask for some advice really...

Taking my (sometimes quite spooky) gelding to a big show on saturday, where there is a lot going on in the main ring next to the shpwjumping, including a marching band, massive bouncy castle, hounds, steam engines, motorbike displays.... the list of spooky stuff is endless!

I took my not so spooky pony there 3 years ago and although he jumped well and won his classes, he was extremely spooky and reared up when he saw the marching band. Im not sure my current horse will cope as well as the pony did, and wonder what I can do to help him.

Should I give him a calmer before we go? Should I stick cotton wool in his ears and a fly veil on? Any other handy hints?

Thanks so much in advance