

New User
29 December 2020
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hi I'm looking for some sensible advice I'm only 23 and have osteopenia(pre curser to osteoporosis) in my whole body including my spine and hips i have suffered a foot fracture in the last 2 years because of it , iv rode since i was 10 years of age but haven't rode in 3 years now since my diagnostics i also have a double scoliosis of the spine i do lots of walking and am mobile I'm just wondering is it safe to go back to ridding a horse would it be sensible? iv had different advice from doctors now just looking for some other opinions.
thanks Nicole.


Well-Known Member
8 September 2010
France previously Dorset
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Any horse can spoil or trip in the right circumstances so if you do decide to ride a horse again, I suggest you ensure you buy, and always wear, the best back protector you can afford. It's one thing to break an arm or a leg, and another thing entirely to break your spine and end up paralysed.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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I suggest that you start by contacting your local RDA group, even if they aren't operating currently, they will be able to tell you about how they would keep you safe. Definitely wear as much safety equipment as you can but RDA might have special saddles, the group I volunteer with has one with velcro blocks hold riders' legs in the best position, bought for riders with Cerebral Palsy but useful in other scenarios too. They will probably have patent-safety horses too, as well as easy dis/mounting blocks, so that you don't have to put your bones under excess pressure.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
18 April 2015
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I really think that you need to find a very good specialist and take their advice - none of us know your exact diagnosis and most of us are not doctors, so we really cannot assess the risk. For your sake I really hope that it will be possible for you to ride, but if a fall would have a high likelihood of resulting in a life changing injury then it is probably not worth it. remember that anyone can fall off any horse. If you cannot ride then perhaps there are other ways which you could enjoy spending time with horses? In hand work? Driving? Whatever you decide I wish you all good luck and happiness.