Advise on rude horse??


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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Without seeing the horse, it is difficult to say whether it is a pain issue or simply bad behaviour. I would make sure that the rug fits well, that it is being put on BHS style, without nipping the horse in any way (no throwing the rug at the horse's back but making sure that it is folded and 'placed' on the horse).
Then, when I was sure that there is no excuse, I would smack the horse, preferably making a loud, discouraging noise in the process.
I have a horse that threatened to bite when I got her, I knew that it was because of previous experiences, when people had been rough in tacking up. I cured this by rewarding her for good behaviour and ignoring the bad but I have certainly smacked those who were just doing it to be boss and would again.

cassie summers

Well-Known Member
10 September 2011
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i think if i hit my mare like that she would probably kick the crap out of me not because she is nasty or bad mannered but because she would be scared and natural reaction to being attacked is to attack back saying that she is a big girl and last week she kept leaning on the rubber breast bar on her stable door so i couldnt do her rug up in the front so i did push her backwards quite hard saying "get back" even though she weighs 650 kilos i dont have leg straps on my stable rugs as i dont like them maybe you would be better with a fillet string


Well-Known Member
8 October 2010
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Hi everyone

Thank you all for all your input with this..

Just thought i would give you a little update..and answer a few questions

I dont believe he is in any pain with his back, he has had the physio out a couple of times in the last 6 months and both times fine..he has also just been diagnosed with arthritis and has had a full body scan/xray...and all was clear apart from the I am fairly certain I can rule that out...
He also wears magnetic boots on his hinds..and stands like a gem for me to put these i dont really think its an issue with me being is his space etc..

I had a lesson on friday and spoke to my instructor re this problem, and she also suggested the crop idea like a few of you have suggested...

So...i tried this tonight...I watched for any negative signs...his leg raised so yes I did use the crop on his bum...not hard...but i think it was enough to shock him that i mean business...he went to do it again...but as soon as i lifted the crop he has second thoughts...

So I think my plan will be to carry the crop for a while and hope that this way will work...

Thank you again for all your input it really is appreciated

:) x