ahhhh fantastic lesson and some really good news...


Well-Known Member
27 March 2008
Well, yesterday Chester and I ventured over to Ramsden Heath for a lesson with Shelley Brooks (BD Trainer). I was sooooo nervous - I am no dressage rider but seem to have fallen over to the dark side from showjumping given that I am without a jumping saddle at the moment!

It was an oppurtunity presented to me by Your Horse (look out for the feature shortly!) and I would have been silly not to turn it down given that I am on the hunt for a dressage trainer with the search not having started so well.

Essentially I wanted to work on straightness, submission and the canter but I would say that my biggest problem is that I don't trust Chester entirely but worst of all I don't trust myself!

So, Shelley had her work cut out but was fabulous. She taught via a microphone in a judges hut so she could see the whole picture and actually worked very well.

We worked alot on the centre line and 3/4 lines with LOTS of changes of direction.

One excersise in particular - concentrating on submission to the right particularly - was working on a 10m circle bringing my right hand out towards my right hip and with that pushing his shoulders round with my outside leg and his quarters with my inside leg (yes, I know very simple!) giving with my outside hand as he offered bend once offered he was rewarded by going off in a straight line and then repeating exersise! We did this in walk first of all and then at a trot.

We did lots of transitions but off of the track to get him stepping through from behind.

The whole lesson was fab and I took so much away from it. We worked solidly for an hour and I could not have asked more from Ches. He was a diamond.

I can't wait to see the article when it comes out and I will definately be going back to Shelley for more lessons. And definately recommend her.

Huuuuuge thanks to my friend Chris for taking me!!!!

And, the good news is I will have a trailer of my own from the end of the month so I can actually plan some competitions without having to also plan the logistics of transporting the ned too


Well-Known Member
23 March 2009
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Hi there - i have had lessons with Shelley as well and i went there specifically to try and improve my medium trot - and 1 lesson later there was a massive improvement and the next time she got on and schooled him for me and it was beautiful to watch - and shes so nice aswell! We should start a fan club for her !


Well-Known Member
27 March 2008
Well done sounds as though you had a fab lesson, any piccies?

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only the piccies which the your horse took
Will def post them as soon as I get any!