Ai help

9 September 2017
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Hi everyone! I have a 12yo mare that I'm really considering breeding through A.I I have been doing a lot of research recently on the topic of AI. I just want to ask if it's worth it: have any of you got any success stories and where did you find your stallion etc. I especially am interested in prices, of course most vets do a package but I'm just curious as to what you paid and how much money I should have saved before starting. Thanks everyone !


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7 September 2004
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Hi everyone! I have a 12yo mare that I'm really considering breeding through A.I I have been doing a lot of research recently on the topic of AI. I just want to ask if it's worth it: have any of you got any success stories and where did you find your stallion etc. I especially am interested in prices, of course most vets do a package but I'm just curious as to what you paid and how much money I should have saved before starting. Thanks everyone !

Firstly use a very experienced repro set up. Be that a stud that has designated repro vet or a repro vet that can take your mare in. As a one horse breeder (assuming your horse isn't easily stressed about temporary accommodation) this is logistically the easiest.

I went for a per cycle package. Most good stud vets will publish this package online.
Packages you will win some and loose some, but from my experience I would edge towards them being a good idea for a rookie breeder (like I was).

Things to consider - fresh/chilled/frozen - they generally increase in vets costs, slightly decrease in pregnancy rates but increase stallion access. A good vet will minimise the risks of using frozen etc - but definitely don't do frozen from home, you need very frequent scanning and spot on timing.

Selecting stallions is worth researching and asking people who really know. I drew up a long list from my own research then ran that list by a semen agent (elite stallions) who narrowed it down and added a couple more to the list.

Consider stallion terms for incase you don't get a pregnancy. I naively glossed over this so was lucky things went to plan. I used schockemole and their terms aren't the best.

Really consider your mare and her faults and be sure you are happy to replicate those. I'd suggest taking her for grading so you get an independent opinion.

My mare stayed at the vets (Willesley/Chris Sheppherd) on a package, she was maiden using chilled and took first time. I think it cost in the region of £600 to get to the heartbeat scan. That included all pre stud work, the package (we made good use with 3 lavage, caslick and twinning check), and livery. Personally I think good value but if you don't lucky costs could so easily spiral.

I've loved every minute but it's a very uneconomical way to get a horse when you don't have your own land!


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31 March 2009
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Firstly use a very experienced repro set up. Be that a stud that has designated repro vet or a repro vet that can take your mare in. As a one horse breeder (assuming your horse isn't easily stressed about temporary accommodation) this is logistically the easiest.

I went for a per cycle package. Most good stud vets will publish this package online.
Packages you will win some and loose some, but from my experience I would edge towards them being a good idea for a rookie breeder (like I was).

Things to consider - fresh/chilled/frozen - they generally increase in vets costs, slightly decrease in pregnancy rates but increase stallion access. A good vet will minimise the risks of using frozen etc - but definitely don't do frozen from home, you need very frequent scanning and spot on timing.

Selecting stallions is worth researching and asking people who really know. I drew up a long list from my own research then ran that list by a semen agent (elite stallions) who narrowed it down and added a couple more to the list.

Consider stallion terms for incase you don't get a pregnancy. I naively glossed over this so was lucky things went to plan. I used schockemole and their terms aren't the best.

Really consider your mare and her faults and be sure you are happy to replicate those. I'd suggest taking her for grading so you get an independent opinion.

My mare stayed at the vets (Willesley/Chris Sheppherd) on a package, she was maiden using chilled and took first time. I think it cost in the region of £600 to get to the heartbeat scan. That included all pre stud work, the package (we made good use with 3 lavage, caslick and twinning check), and livery. Personally I think good value but if you don't lucky costs could so easily spiral.

I've loved every minute but it's a very uneconomical way to get a horse when you don't have your own land!

I have always kept the mare at home as they are more relaxed in the herd. The Vet called in and scanned on his way to work and I order the semen from Germany before 0900 CET some came from the Sate Stud at Celle and some from private stallions it only got lost once. On Saturday mornings if it is marked and sent collect you can get it at East Midlands Airport(in my case) otherwise I collected from the local TNT Depot at 0830. The semen was always of good quality. DEFRA require you to notify your local area office 24 hours before but I explained to them that the time scale did not work out as we did not have 24 hours from order to receipt as in needs to go on Traces. The documentation was always in order.Semen in Germany is a dose you buy what you do with it is up to you so where people split it and get two foals there is no extra charge but you carry the risk.


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7 February 2008
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We sent away our mare to an experienced AI centre where the stallion's frozen was stored, thus avoiding shipping risks and possible timing issues. The mare was sent a week ahead of time to be sure she had settled prior to coming into season. It cost £210 to the stud and £98 for the vet (including a light sedation). Her AI worked first time but if it hadn't I would have had these AI fees again (no stud fees due to live foal guarantee still applying to AI on this stallion). If you are doing AI it is worth paying the extra and traveling further for the best center as repeat cycles end up being more expensive in the end, and you can get later than you'd want in the season on your dates. We had our own vets do the scanning when she came home.