19 February 2021
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I work afternoons where I keep Baron and my nieces pony Tank. It’s mainly full livery but also DIY. I was doing last Haynets for the day and had swept to where the hay is kept, one of the liveries does parelli and I don’t comment on the stuff she does, the pony is great when handled by YM and me but runs rings around her. Any where she was titting about on part of the yard I had swept and made a mess, the YM told her to sweep up her mess after she was done as we had swept. Anyway as she was leaving I could see she hadn’t swept her mess up and I casually asked if she was gonna do it as the YM had asked, to which I got ‘No and why should I’ to which I replied because you where asked to, simple really. This livery is the biggest pain in the bum and constantly ignores things that she’s told not to do. She’s the worst livery on the yard and the YM has basically given up trying ? I purposely did not sweep up her mess so that the YM would see it’s not been done. I’ve also said I’m going to make a point of telling them to tidy up their own mess after I’ve swept. Which the YM has said is fine to do.


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22 July 2013
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Ok, so from your post, we know that she doesn't listen, doesn't care and YO has given up trying to make her behave less selfishlessly.
What are you going to do ? Unfortunately, it's not possible to bang her head against the wall and throwing her mess in her ponys stable would be another option, but it's not fair on the poor pony.
So, you have two options, seethe inwardly, get angry and stomp around as you clear up after her and provoke her into playing fit for tat. That never ends well.
Or, shrug your shoulders and think how sad it must be to be her and take another two minutes to sweep up the hay without getting stressed and slightly embittered.
First option, doesn't change anything, except to make you miserable and potentially make things worse.
Second option is tough, less satisfying, but ultimately better for you. You are seen to be the better person and other people may notice and be annoyed on your behalf. Their indignation at her thoughlessness may have more effect on her behaviour.