aimed for by a van whilst riding!


Well-Known Member
13 July 2008
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Hi all, just wanted to share a hacking horror story...

I was riding along a wide country lane and a man in a van swerved across the road and headed straight for me at speed... then told me to get off the *******ing road.....was sooo annoyed !!! rant over ...!!! sorry for the pointless post! :)


Well-Known Member
10 September 2008
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Hi all, just wanted to share a hacking horror story...

I was riding along a wide country lane and a man in a van swerved across the road and headed straight for me at speed... then told me to get off the *******ing road.....was sooo annoyed !!! rant over ...!!! sorry for the pointless post! :)

I hope you got his number and reported the incident to the police this sort of thing isnt funny its very nasty and sinister...

Kellys Heroes

Well-Known Member
13 May 2010
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Argh that's awful! There are some real ****s on the road - and they complain about us being inconsiderate!!
As a driver AND a road-rider I find that disgusting.
Report to police!!
K x


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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Not a pointless post at all. Report it to the police. Did you see the name of the company on the side of the van? Report it to them as well.

Glad you are okay.


Well-Known Member
15 January 2008
Nth Somerset
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Wow he must be a real MAN, yeah, that told you didn't it?

Dear God what are we coming to?

As has been said if you got his number plate report it to the Police. They have to log such incidents. It's also worth telling your local Parish Council clerk, as they may also be logging traffic incidents (ours does).


Well-Known Member
25 July 2010
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Definately contact the police and they are awre of the event, the driver might have done it before and already be knwon to them.

Glad you are both okay.


Well-Known Member
22 October 2009
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Yep I second third and fourth that, contact the police!!!!!!!! even if you do not have his reg no, report the incident. You never know when you'll see him again, then you can get his number and it'll be 2 reports against him, so more power and evidence to do something....

Glad you're ok xxxx


Well-Known Member
29 November 2007
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You must report it to police, with or without reg no.

Theres no way with behaviour like this that it'll be a one off, esp as he will feel he 'got away with it' this time. You coped, but what if it was a little kid and their horse bolted off as a result.

Please please report it.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2009
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Similar thing happened to me once (it's always men in vans who cause problems!). He actually came so close that he very nearly touched my irons, in a split second though I managed to turn my (very expensive :( )whip upside down and crack the metal bit so hard off the windscreen it actually cracked. Sadly the whip didn't make it but I can't tell you how satisfying it felt!

My gelding was absolutely as good as gold, bless him.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2009
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Hi all, just wanted to share a hacking horror story...

I was riding along a wide country lane and a man in a van swerved across the road and headed straight for me at speed... then told me to get off the *******ing road.....was sooo annoyed !!! rant over ...!!! sorry for the pointless post! :)

Can I ask where you are, as I had a similar incident about 4 months ago. It drove at me really fast (60 mph I estimated) swerved towards me as it got close, then swerved away just before it would have hit us, missing us by a couple of inches, AND the ******* slammed his hand on the horn as he over took me!

Mine happened in Chorleywood and it was a royal blue, medium sized van, and the driver was white late 20s or early 30s and had a fat, round face. I reported it of course, but without a registration there wasn't a lot the police could do. The following week, at the same time of day, I sat in my own car waiting to see if the ******* came past so I could get the reg, but I've not seen him again.

Hope you and your horse are OK. It beggers belief when something like this happens.


Well-Known Member
27 October 2007
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That is absolutely appalling,I agree with others report to the police he may end up killing someone, I am glad you and your horse is OK from the experience of a complete pr*t.
Some one got close to my daughter and clipped her irons once,she also slapped the roof of the car,driver stopped and said he would call police,she invited him to do so pointing out that he was to close and would be totally in the wrong...yes he drove off,,,
What is wrong with this man,:eek:


Well-Known Member
28 October 2006
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Whoah.. i dont think i can write what i would have done here....

I am however a ride-rager.. i carry stones in my pockets and a schooling whip and lo and behold ANYONE who goes to close or to fast.
I have had plenty of run-ins but quite frankly i would have an arguement a day every day if it saved my young pony being scared of moving cars/vans for the rest of his life.

-One arguement involved the police being called- because my pony kicked out at a car that was so close to his behind he was almost sat on the bonnet.. suffice to say i never paid out nowt and the guy had not only a mouthful from me and the police he also had to pay for the dent to be fixed himself.

Its my one bug bear.. it totally sends me looopy with anger.


Well-Known Member
28 June 2010
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Gees, some of these stories are horrific! I have had some drunken louts pass me on a single track lane before, close enough that my stirrup ran down the side of the car. Thankfully my pony I was riding was not put out at all. I have also had a van driver (surprise, surprise) sit behind me and honk his horn. We were riding 2 abreast (it is a main road, so plenty of room to get by if you go on the other side of the road), as I had my new boy, so the other rider was on the outside of us just in case, and also to slow traffic down, as it is a 30 mph straight road through a village, and cars do 40-50. Anyway, the horses spooked slightly and ran up onto the pavement, what an idiot he was. Another 4x4 zoomed round us so close they nearly ran into the lorry coming the other way. Thankfully the lorry driver noticed in time and slowed, then mouthed some rude words at the driver and shook his head in disbelief - there are some nice lorry drivers out there that will be considerate, we thanked him lots!

Rose Folly

Well-Known Member
29 June 2010
North East Somerset
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Similar thing happened to us. Three of us were riding an old drove road. A homeless man, bit of an oddball, used to park his car in the track at the far exit/entrance, leaving no room for a horse, even dismounted, to pass. He'd done it yet again, and as we crossly turned back one of us said "COULDN'T you have the manners to at least park at one side, not in the middle". We rode grumpily back the way we'd come, got onto the tarmac lane (Somerset, so high banks at either side). At the next lane junction he was lying in wait for us in his car. He drove it at us 3 or 4 times. We had the greatest difficulty pulling our horses out of his way - luckily on the 4th charge he rammed his b...y car into the bank and got it wedged. We were really shaken. I phoned the police BUT, and this is the moral of the tale - I was so upset I forgot to ask for a Crime Reference Number. Always ask for this if you report something, otherwise it's really difficult to follow the case up. In the event we never heard another word. But your story so rang bells!


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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Ditto everyone else saying please report it to the police!

The next horse rider may not be so lucky and with it being the school holidays would hate to think that the description had not been given to the police.

The stories here are horrifying!

I guess the BHS doesn't have a reporting system for near misses only accidents with horses?


Well-Known Member
25 June 2010
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REPORT! and perhaps do what someone else said and maybe head back there at a similar time to see if they pass. It might be worth a shot. I would be FUMING.


Well-Known Member
28 May 2010
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Lots of drivers are mental with or without horses :rolleyes:

At my old yard I had been hacking alond a single track when a car came up behind me at speed. I waved for them to slow down as there was nowhere for them to pass so they sat behind me revving their engine. I ignored the car and moved into the first passing space that came along and waved the car pass and said thank you, always good to be the better person I think ;)

Anyway she drew leavel with me and started screaming at me! why didn't I get out her ****ing way etc! so I burst out laughing which made her MAD!! she got out her car yelling more abuse so I decided to keep on riding and pulled out onto the road again. This may have annoyed the woman again :D
so she got back in her car and I got my mobile out and set it on video record. Glad I did as she came screeching up behind me tooting her horn and yelling that she would push my horse out the way so I pointed to my phone and shouted back that I was recording and I had her threatening me on video, her face, her car, and was looking forward to going to the police with it. She backed off and then when the road widened speed past me (was still filming)

Well I did go to the police and you know what? they did go around and tell the woman that her behaviour had been unexceptable and was now on record and she would be in serious trouble if she was reported again. lol Silly cow! Bet she pooped her pants when the police came round.