Well-Known Member
The mali thread made me think of this..
I worked in boarding kennels when i was younger. A few would not take Akitas at all and one of the few that did had them either in the "red" kennel (the one with the slides/doors you can open and close from the outside so no need to ever come into contact) or for the ones that were not deemed to be as much of a threat (because they had known them a long time and had them before etc) strict rules about never actually doing anything with them bar open the door to feed/let them out to the runs. They were not walked so we didn't have to come near their personal space and the owners were made very aware of how things happened before they were left with us and they were just happy a kennel would take them, new owners who didn't quite know what their dogs would be like were put in the red kennels. It was very much a "don't try to befriend/interact with these dogs. Feed them, Let them out, let them in, if they want to stand for 50mins in the hallway not going into their kennel just let them stand there. don't ever let them be between you and the exit"
I can't say we had too many but i do remember one who was safe to let in and out without the red kennel, they didn't want any interaction with us at all and gave absolutely no acknowledgement of us being there bar being a super polite dog. waiting for the door to open, set bowl down, eat when you left..wait for the door to open so they could go out and make their own way without looking back at you. We didn't really exist to that one. When the owners left them/got them again they again didn't really change.
Outside of the kennels i have never actually interacted with an akita. So any knowledge/info i have on them is based on kennels and "media" so though i would say im fairly confident with all dogs and not much phases me i would def be apprehensive with an aktia.
Does anyone here actually have one ?
I worked in boarding kennels when i was younger. A few would not take Akitas at all and one of the few that did had them either in the "red" kennel (the one with the slides/doors you can open and close from the outside so no need to ever come into contact) or for the ones that were not deemed to be as much of a threat (because they had known them a long time and had them before etc) strict rules about never actually doing anything with them bar open the door to feed/let them out to the runs. They were not walked so we didn't have to come near their personal space and the owners were made very aware of how things happened before they were left with us and they were just happy a kennel would take them, new owners who didn't quite know what their dogs would be like were put in the red kennels. It was very much a "don't try to befriend/interact with these dogs. Feed them, Let them out, let them in, if they want to stand for 50mins in the hallway not going into their kennel just let them stand there. don't ever let them be between you and the exit"
I can't say we had too many but i do remember one who was safe to let in and out without the red kennel, they didn't want any interaction with us at all and gave absolutely no acknowledgement of us being there bar being a super polite dog. waiting for the door to open, set bowl down, eat when you left..wait for the door to open so they could go out and make their own way without looking back at you. We didn't really exist to that one. When the owners left them/got them again they again didn't really change.
Outside of the kennels i have never actually interacted with an akita. So any knowledge/info i have on them is based on kennels and "media" so though i would say im fairly confident with all dogs and not much phases me i would def be apprehensive with an aktia.
Does anyone here actually have one ?