Aliens have abducted my horse......


Well-Known Member
28 October 2005
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and swapped her with a spooky naughty pony
I went riding this morning and from the moment she set foot on the lane she was doing an impression of a giraffe with eyes on stalks and her ears twizzling round like radars

She decided that a horse eating monster was disguised as a tiny little pheasant so span round, whilst trotting, and tried to run back down the hill again
little monkey got a sharp shout and growl and pushed back on again. Then 5 minutes later she saw the same monster, this time it had its invisible clothing on hiding next to a greenhouse and she tried to spin again, I was a bit quicker with my reactions this time and she didn't manage it, instead I think I woke half the countryside up shouting at her and telling her if she didn't pack it in she'd be sorry
( not quite sure what I was going to do to her but it made me feel better!) I then made her work for rest of our ride to our lesson, lots of transitions and trying to get some attention from her. She seemed to settle a bit by the time we got there. We entered the menage and she totally switched off all senses. She did not listen to me at all and was really hard work. She was throwing her head about the whole time trying to get away from the contact and when she didn't get her own way she just threw a paddy
My instructor had to move pretty quickly when Cropi decided that she was her next target, she did then get a sharp wack on the bum then to which she replied with a buck

Bend was totally non existant today, well not quite true, she was bending in the opposite direction to the one she was meant to be in!! We went to do some poles to try and get some bend and when I asked for canter she gave me one of her almighty bucks and out the side door I went
I almost landed on my feet, just somehow ended up on my knees!!

I hope that they bring my normal horse back soon, this imposter is just too much hard work


New User
30 March 2007
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The aliens took my boy when I gave his some selinavite! I got a snorting stomping bucking shaking (coloured) thoroughbred in place of my cob/ID cross! They agreed to share him with me if I cut down on the abuse with the supliments!


Well-Known Member
11 January 2004
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I'm glad my mare is not the only one.....horrors at another horse on the bridleway and a (new) rock in the last wk!!!!! Not even getting much grass yet (keeps us awake I suppose) hope they all calm down soon!


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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Spring and spots and the ability to bend anyway they want, expecially if it's the opposite direction to the one you want! Our old Appy once refused to bend round the tyres set out, trotted through them like commando training a hoof in each one in turn!


Well-Known Member
28 October 2005
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Our old Appy once refused to bend round the tyres set out, trotted through them like commando training a hoof in each one in turn!

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh I can so see Cropi trying to do this!!!

I am just slightly concerned, the grass is only just coming through, her hard food has been cut right down, she is back on soaked hay not haylage...What on earth will she be like when the grass starts coming through properly
I think I had better look for a calmer to add to her supplements!!