All of you out there with bad backs


Well-Known Member
11 November 2007
Wigston, Leicestershire
I've had that pain before and it's horrible (bad S1/L5 discs), I wear a corset now!!! As soon as I lace up this thing, the pain goes away. My back went before my last dressage test and I rode side saddle in it for the test. My back went when I was sweeping the stable this week and put the corset back on.

Corset + Ibuprofen is the best!!!


Well-Known Member
25 March 2008
2nd star on the right and straight on 'til morning
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i hope this won't be taken the wrong way, i'm not trying to belittle anyone's agony, but i read recently that something like 80% of back pain can be allieviated by being hydrated enough, the discs literally dry out and therefore can't work properly because the body's not hydrated enough, so 4 or 5 pints of water (nothing else, plain water) per day (in addition to whatever tea, coffee, whatever you drink normally) makes a HUGE difference.

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I think the bit about hydration is very true, as long as you have a strong bladder!

I find I when I don't drink much water every thing aches far more and although I never have any acute symptoms I have been plagued with chronic backache, and headache since my late 30s ( menopausal age)

As I have got older it has got less painful, or my pain threshold has increased (more likely I think). Somethings DO actually get better with AGE!!

A dressage/schooling sessions leaves me with a humdinger of a headache for about three days though.


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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Bad backs and horse riding go hand in hand. I've had a bad back for years due to nursing and horses. And also two car accidents
I find that if I keep mobile, my back is fine, its as soon as I stop my back starts to ache.

Physio has helped, deep massage and manipulation (MRI shows no slipped discs, just dehydrated and wear/tear) so this is ok. My physio also suggested palates as this also helps with core strength......not tried it yet, as just getting back into riding after the last car accident
so on my list to do next year.


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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Ballet - found that I was in constant pain after share horsey moved onto a straw bed. Ballet teacher came back from hols and I'm now fine.

Find someone good. Pilates or whatever might help too but aren't (for me) as much fun.

Also, as others have said: no twisting and I'm now making sure I do lots of small lifts/trips to muck heap/whatever rather than one huge one. Keeps me fitter as well as saving the back.


Well-Known Member
3 July 2007
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MRI, mri, mri........ask your dr to refer you for one, i tried everything to relieve my sciatica (could only walk and stand for 5 mins max) without the mri they couldn't have diagnosed severe narrowing of the spinal canal on L4 & 5 and a severely prolapsed disc. Glad to say all sorted now.


Well-Known Member
15 November 2007
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MRI, mri, mri........ask your dr to refer you for one

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Ditto this. Its a long, slow road but you might as well set the wheels in motion, find out what the problem really is and find out all the treatment options. I've got stress fractures in my lower back that won't heal. Chiro and steroid injections help a bit but my options are pretty much, live with it or spinal fusion. Before knowing what the problem was I wasted hundreds of pounds on all sorts of alternative treatments, which were never going to make a blind bit of difference to a fractured back, so its worth finding out where you stand!


Well-Known Member
28 April 2006
somewhere in the uk
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I have an upper back problem and tried seeing all manner of people - sports massage therapists, osteopaths, chiro's, and even an accupuncturist... to begin with they all felt like they were helping but after a few treatments, my back just got VERY cross and did pretty much what yours did to you the other day - had me on the floor in tears... the only thing that helps me is very gentle massage, which helps to relax me and I just dose myself up on strong Ibruprofen and if i need it, co-codamol.

I also have a tub of arnica and which hazel gel which I apply regularly and find a nice hot radox bath helps.

Try to minimise the mucking out either by keeping horse out or by using minimal bed on rubber mats and be sensible about lifting heavy things like water buckets - half fill two to carry rather than 1 full one etc etc..


Well-Known Member
16 January 2006
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on a practical note, how about deep litter through the week poo picking daily and then pay a teenager to remove the wet at the weekend and start again for the next week. i find this works well and only put in 1/2 a round bale of clean straw every 14 days, with this i make a big bank all the way round which i move a bit in at a time. i actually take out less this way than if i muck out everyday

Echo Bravo

Well-Known Member
6 August 2009
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I'm worse at night in bed can hardly move worse on my back if I move on to my sides then I get pins and needles in my arms and fingers. crawl out of bed in the morning and after a shaky start not too bad, find my lower back pain worse when it's cold or wet.


21 April 2009
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Ive had a bad back for years and was out of riding for a year after losing my old horse. Before I bought my new pony I had a series of Alexander Technique lessons which were really helpful - we even practised mucking out without straining my back.

Also bought a Little Giant Muck Cart which is like a little truck and much better for your back than a wheelbarrow as you can just push it rather than have to bend and lift it. I use if for mucking out but also moving things like shavings.

I also got another green truck type thing from Homebase which is solid heavy duty plastic on wheels and I put one of those flexible buckets in and fill it up at the tap and then wheel it into my stable and park it in the corner. I did tie it to the wall with a tie ring but its very stable and no different to having a big plastic bucket in the stable.

I also rely heavily on my Mobiliser machine (from Back in Action) which was horrendously expensive but worth its wait in gold for me as a long term back pain sufferer.


Well-Known Member
11 January 2008
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Not read all of this and don't have time to do so apologies if this has been said.

I had chronic back pain that physio only alleviated. My GP was worse than useless so I went to a chiropracter. He took x-rays and walked me through all the problems with my back and explained what he could help, what he could help in conjunction with other treatment and what he could not do anything about. That clarity alone was a relief.

I started getting regular treatments that quickly resolved the chronic pain, and over time stabilised my back so that the irregular episodes of agonising spasms stopped. Events that used to immobilise me on a regular basis have now not happened for years. I was not passive in this. Part of the reason I was having problems was that my back had lost strength and I needed to build it up again so there was a lot of specific excercise I had to do to build strength in the right muscles.

Since then I have used 3 other chiropracters in the same practice. They have been of varying effectiveness. My wife has used one that I have used and found her worse than useless, i.e. she was usually worse afterwards.

My experience and that of friends is that a good chiro can make a dramatic difference, but they vary in effectiveness, and one that is effective for one person may not be so for another.

Try a chiro by all means, but make sure the initial assessment is comprehensive. There are certain things they cannot treat and some won't admit this, but a good one will. If your chiro claims they can solve any back problems, be suspicious. But if one does not work it does not necessarily mean a different chiro won't be able to help.


Well-Known Member
26 March 2007
North Wales
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Thanks for all the info everyone. Sorry not been back lost internet connection till this eve.

I do have rubber matting but my horse is such a dirty lad.
My back is bad 24/7 doesnt really make a diff if I muck out or not but trying to keep out of the mucking out to try and help the pain so that it is less than if I was mucking out.

Flowerlady - yes a lot of money for the time she did him well I think so!! Lol

As to water buckets etc we have automatic drinkers so dont have to carry any buckets thank god.

Good news is......
I have been to see Bob the back man today and my back is feeling better for now, still painful but not as tense and my posture is much better. I was slanting to one side which I could feel myself especially when I was sat in my car I could feel that I wasnt in the middle of the seat but over to the left.
He has advised for me to see how it goes over the next few days and maybe go back in a week or so to see if its still central.

I will however keep annoying my GP's as the pain is still there and taking Zapain and diclofenac is making no odds.

Thanks again everyone