Am i completely mad to even think about it?


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13 June 2022
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Long story short I've not ridden for almost 10years ( young kids, loss of horse, ill health etc) Both my children are competing in a local low key dressage competition next weekend where there is a team competition. Ive tried so hard to find another team member for them to no avail.
I've been offered the ride on a friend's horse for an intro test, am I being completely insane thinking about doing it? He's a steady Eddie cob type and could do an intro with his eyes closed.
I've ridden to a decent standard pre kids (BD medium and BE novice) but not even sat on a horse since I lost mine in 2015.
Half of me is saying go for it and the other half is telling me I'm being ridiculous to even contemplate it.


Well-Known Member
16 September 2021
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Goodness yes!! I had an even longer break, 20 years! My daughter has a pony and in a moment of madness my husband decided to get me my own…it’s been fabulous! You’ve ridden to a higher level than me, you’ll be fine!!

I can’t say I’ve been sore at all but what I have found that nobody tells you…get some tena lady!!! I did my first set of poles and small jumps the other week and my goodness…leaking big time!! 🫢…now doing my pelvic floor exercises regularly again 😂😂😂

Have fun you’ll love it!


Well-Known Member
18 July 2010
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Absolutely not mad. I'm assuming you will be doing it for fun anyway? So what's to lose? Have a lovely day out with your kids. Sounds fabulous ☺️ Have a wonderful time


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2 October 2023
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Yes!! 100%

I came back ti riding a year ago after a 6 year break. Had a couple of rides on my friends steady cob and then backed and brought on her 2 pony youngsters (friend was too tall).

I now well and truly have the bug and am horse shopping 😁


Well-Known Member
6 March 2011
I resumed or learned to ride more than 40 years after last being on a horse. I love it. My advice is to relax and not try to ride proper. Forget frame and outline. After warm up, your legs will have lengthend and dropped further, so let down your stirups.
It is hard to ride a wide cob. It is something I cant do. If one is on a horse that is too wide for one, one tends to sit crooked. That is because it is easier for humans to take a long stride forward, than it is for us to spread our thighs sideways. So, after mounting, look down at your knees and make sure they are equally placed on the saddle, rather than one knee being further forward.