An "exciting" week


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Well I have had a fairly exciting week.....good and bad.

Little Jill, the mini-Arab became tangled in the fence on Thursday....bit touch and go as to whether the blood circulation may have been cut off. She went into shock and then started to colic, so Thursday was a bit of a worrying day. Today I can pretty much muscle up the courage to say I think she will recover. Leg is pretty messed up and swollen but she seems to be putting weight on it now, albeit that she is on bute and LA Penicillin injections.

Tuesday I collected Cocoa the little naughty pony. I love him!! He is such a huge character! I've found a home for him already - our neighbours who bought Gracie, the white horse, back in the Spring want to buy him, so he will stay here for a couple of weeks for training and then he will be moving across the field to our friends where he will be totally cherished by her 4 little kids. I must take a piccy of him before he goes as he is just the cutest little blighter I have seen in a long time.....bright orange with a fluffy black mane and tail.

The appaloosa with the dim owner seems to be getting a bit better - the lump seems to be going down......owner doesn't seem too upset as I haven't seen him all week; he popped in this morning but failed to remember that he actually has a horse....
. I believe he has taken the horse out of the field 3 times since he arrived here over 6 weeks ago....hmmmm.

Our troublesome wolfie has moved onto greater pastures in the sky....thanks to one of my "good shot" boarders with the assistance of my small Appy, Sureshot......aptly named I feel.

So a very mixed-emotions kind of a week here.


Well-Known Member
21 September 2006
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life's certainly never boring for you tia! hope the poorly ones feel better soon, and looking forward to pictures of cocoa!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Thank you. Little Jill is a dear little pony and has never got herself into any sort of mischief.....just a bizarre accident, so we hope that she will be fine. The biggest worry was the leg dying but there is plenty of heat in there now so blood is obviously circulating.

Will take some piccies of Cocoa through the week - god I love cute little naughty ponies!!


Well-Known Member
11 January 2004
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How did the appolosa (sorry, can't spell) help with despatching the wolf? Sorry to be noisy, but I'm intrigued how you finally dealt with the problem.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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The livery rents one of my Appaloosa's and has taught him to accept him firing arrows from his bow whilst being ridden. End of an era really, so a little sad about that......but Mr Wolfy was just becoming too menacing to have around.


Well-Known Member
11 January 2004
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Blimey, so was it an arrow that was used? (sorry to be gruesome, but I have been thinking of you everytime the "Zoo Watch" type programmes here - Roar and the one shot at Lord Bath's place - mention wolves, especially when they say thet are not to be trusted). Best for your peace of mind - hope the mare is on the mend too!