An Ode to Hacking...


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27 October 2016
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Ah well a few steps forward and a great leap back:

Amber and Dolly approaching the Passage Of Doom
Unexpectedly came there a dog bounding out of the gloom
A spin and a run as the horses took fright
A great game of chase thought the dog in delight

And the ride ended rather too soon......
I like your poetry:)


24 January 2015
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I've always enjoyed hacking - out in all weathers coming home not being able to feel your fingers or toes in the winter & providing your horse with massive entertainment (I assume) as you try to achieve things with your numb stubs has always been worth it for the "lets see where we end up and at what speed".

Recently though I am enjoying it less - bringing my horse back into work v slowly so fitness is a real determining factor in speed & distance (& limits our route options). She's also decided she really enjoys stopping dead to have a nose at what the neighbours are doing/the chickens/sheep/a cow in the distance/a woman hanging up her washing (how embarrassing!) which is v frustrating - particularly when I'm used to much more forward going horses! Oh well, she's safe as houses in traffic so hopefully as her fitness & confidence increases the fun will be back too!


Well-Known Member
19 October 2017
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The right arrows from the right bow can definitely pierce armour - or so I'm told, anyway. I'm fairly sure this is listed as a reason for jarmaki - getting enough force to put an arrow through the armour of a knight below you in battle (other theories include mountain lions and shooting at people off battlements, apparently). I also believe I've heard from a coach (not mine) that hoodies relating horse archery and the zombie apocalypse exist, possibly purely for your OH ;)
This was my theory with swords as I have no eye for archery... Not progressed to horseback yet though.