Well-Known Member
We’re usually quite lucky with things like this, pony tends to look after himself and has very rarely been in the wars in his 21years. But I’m a bit stumped with what to do with this. He’s managed to take a layer of skin off of his hind end. Not that big, probably about 2 inches diameter and a smaller one next to it. I cleaned it up with boiled water and salt(saline) slathered on sudocrem and fired a bit of old fashioned purple spray on it. Next day it looked decent but he’d managed to get some mud on it so I washed it again with saline and cotton pad, sudocremed and put a breathable cotton plaster over it to give it some protection from dirt. All was well, looked okay. But he’s rubbed it and opened it back up again. So again, washed and new plaster. Tonight he’s managed to ditch the plaster and it’s looking very raw. No heat as such which is my main concern obviously but what do I do with this?! I’ve cleaned again, sudocremed and plastered again but there’s no improvement. 10 years ago I would’ve washed then left it and he’d have been fine so I don’t know if I’m making it worse but I’m just very concerned with possibly infection as he won’t eat at all after a few days of being on anti biotics so trying my best to not have to go down that route. Any tips?