anne dee the horse psychic


Well-Known Member
25 August 2006
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Best take out a second morgage pronto then, I'm sure she'll want to do a follow up visit and all.


Well-Known Member
19 March 2006
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Used her many years ago(was a lot cheaper then)And TBH she did get some things right that she couldn't have known bout 2 I got done. said pony didn't like his new bit and we had just changed him into a bubble bit (very recently couldn't have known this)said he didn't like travelling in lorry himself and try a jumper of daughters tied near him.Funnily enough it did help (they were really close)said my sec D didn't want to leave me again -I had given him to friend on loan for a short spell.Also said he didn't like girl that rode him at yard -I had let a girl who was in care and helped at yard ride him as felt sorry for her but stopped it when told she beat the sh** out of him when he wouldn't move (bad enough that a RI stepped in)
Few things thought yea right


Well-Known Member
9 June 2005
Scottish Borders
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I've used Ann myself once and thought she wasn't too far away although pretty general in her info. She then came out to our yard again and to be honest I wasn't impressed at all, she was all over the place. Ann herself is a lovely woman but she also has a real ability to read people and I think more so than the horse. I'm not totally discounting her but I do know someone who refused veterinary treatment for her horse as Ann told her otherwise - not a good idea in that case. Fine for a 'party' piece but I wouldn't be relying on it - and IMO quite pricey!